Why does a cat stomp with its front paws on a person
Feline massage – many take it as proof of pet love. But not everything is so simple.
Happy owners of cats and cats have repeatedly noticed for their pets such an original expression of affection as “touching” a person. The animal jumps on its stomach or chest, tramples with its front paws, slightly releasing its claws, and actively purrs. Despite the fact that such a “cat-like massage” may not always be pleasant to a person dressed in light things, you should not chase the tailed pet away: in this way it expresses sympathy and trust to the person.
Enjoy the relaxation massage: the cat tramples with a loud rumbling
But it’s not just about affection. When a cat stomps on a person, it does it …
It has been known for a long time that cats are excellent healers. In some way incomprehensible to traditional medicine, they manage to recognize a person’s ill health and “treat” him by going to bed on a sore spot, licking the skin or “massaging” a certain area. Not everyone believes in the healing properties of such a massage, but there is a lot of evidence that in this way an animal really relieves a person’s condition or indicates an existing, but not yet externally manifested problem.
And how many cases have cats recognized a serious illness from the owner before the doctors? For example, a cat named Missy even received a medal for literally making her mistress go to the doctor. As a result, the woman was diagnosed with breast cancer, which was cured only due to the fact that she came to the doctor on time.
… to indicate who is the boss
However, taking into account the possessive habits of “ideal creatures”, many of whom consider the two-legged not at all as masters, but rather as service personnel, we can assume another meaning of the action “the cat tramples with its front paws.”
The fact is that there are microglands on the pads of the paws that secrete an odorous substance.
A man with his weak sense of smell does not feel this smell, but cats hear it perfectly.
This smell on the owner unequivocally says: “Mine!”, Which allows the tailed beauties not to worry about the loss of valuable property and better feel their importance.
Even if we do not take into account the theories about the medicinal properties of cats and their desire to mark the territory, those who like to wonder why the cat is stomping can be sure: this is in any case a sign of affection, trust.
A cat will never voluntarily go into the arms of a person that he does not like, causes rejection or scares.
So if your pet or a mustachioed inhabitant of the apartment, where you came to visit or on business, settled on his chest and hummingly kills you with his paws, rejoice: he definitely likes you!
By the way, cats can express sympathy not only for a person, but also for a place: in the same way, they trample down a future place to sleep, choosing for this clothes of people, blankets or blankets, any things made from natural materials. So, if the cat is treading on the corner of the couch or in the newly emptied shoebox, there is no doubt that she intends to sleep here.
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