“Why did you decide to change jobs?” is a perfectly reasonable question that is asked in every job interview. Is it worth it to be completely honest? It is unlikely that a recruiter will be impressed by your story that you do not like your boss or just want to earn more … Here’s what the experts advise.
“When asked about the motives for changing jobs, many applicants even answer too honestly. For example, they begin to tell how dissatisfied with their boss is, admits employment consultant Ashley Watkins. For recruiters, this is a wake-up call. The task of the HR specialist at the first meeting is to understand how the intentions and goals of the candidate correspond to the needs of the department in which he plans to work.
The correct answer to this question will require a certain tact: it is important to show how your skills and abilities acquired in a previous job will be useful in a new position.
If you are looking for a new job because you don’t like your current one
You may want to talk about unhealthy relationships in the office and inadequate demands from superiors. But remember that in an interview it is important to talk about yourself first of all.
“If you are leaving because of conflicts with management and the interviewer asks why you are changing jobs, you can give a general answer: there were disagreements, we had different ideas about how best to perform certain duties,” recommends career consultant Laurie Rassas .
To better control yourself, imagine that everyone you are talking about is sitting next to you now.
Ashley Watkins recommends explaining the situation something like this: “You got a job and over time it turned out that your principles and values uXNUMXbuXNUMXbdid not coincide with the principles and values of the company (perhaps this happened after management changed direction).
You are now looking for a new position that will better align with your values and give you the opportunity to maximize your strengths (list them) and potential. After briefly answering this question, try to change the subject. It’s important that the recruiter doesn’t get the impression that you like to blame others.”
“In order to better control yourself, imagine that everyone you are talking about (bosses, colleagues from a previous job) is now sitting next to you. Do not say anything that you could not say in their presence, ”advises Lori Rassas.
If you change jobs to continue your career
“I am looking for new opportunities for further growth” – such an answer will not be enough. It is important to explain why you think that this particular company will provide you with such opportunities.
List the specific skills you have and would like to develop, and explain the opportunities for this in the position you are applying for. For example, in a new job, you can work on projects that were previously unavailable to you.
Some organizations require stability above all, it is important for them to know that the employee will remain in the company for a long time
“If your potential employer is working with different clients or different types of projects than your current company, you may want to expand your professional horizons by finding new uses for your skills,” recommends Laurie Rassas.
But remember that some recruiters may not like your desire for rapid career growth. “It may seem to the interviewer that you are only considering this company as an intermediate stage and plan to change jobs every few years if the previous one no longer meets your requirements,” explains Laurie Rassas. Some organizations need stability above all else, knowing that an employee will stay with the company long enough to build trust with loyal customers.
If you radically change the scope of activity
When asked why they decided to drastically change their professional field, many applicants make a serious mistake by starting to talk about their weaknesses, about what they lack. “If a candidate says: “Yes, I know that I don’t have enough experience for this position yet,” I, as a recruiter, immediately think that this is not the one we need,” explains Ashley Watkins.
The skills you learned in another area of work can be useful in your new job. “One of my clients, who worked as a school teacher, decided to become a nurse. We recommended that she emphasize at the interview that the skills and qualities that she has acquired while working in the field of education (patience, effective communication, conflict resolution) will be no less useful in healthcare. The main thing is to show how your previous experience and skills can be useful in a new job, ”says Ashley Watkins.
“If you tell an interviewer that your current career is not in line with your aspirations, it is important to show that you have taken the initiative and carefully prepared for a change of field,” adds HR consultant Karen Guregyan.
So, how would you answer this question yourself?