Why cucumbers turn yellow and wither in a greenhouse: 7 reasons
Summer residents complain: this year the harvest of cucumbers is poor, the ovaries fall off, or the fruits turn yellow, barely tied. And even the plant dies altogether. What could be the reason, and, like everyone else, we understand the details.
Even experienced gardeners do not manage to harvest a large harvest of cucumbers every year – after all, this vegetable crop is demanding on growing conditions. If the cucumbers don’t like something, the plant dies very quickly. If you notice that the cucumbers have turned yellow, try to establish the reason in order to revive the plant. So, here are some of the most likely explanations for what most often cucumbers turn yellow and wither.
Temperature and lighting
This is a thermophilic culture, therefore it needs bright diffused light for at least 12 hours a day and a constant temperature regime ranging from +18 to +35 degrees. Temperature drops should not exceed +6 degrees. Recently, the climate has been changing, and the temperature difference is 10-15 degrees, and this is already very unfavorable conditions for cucumbers. Therefore, make sure that the temperature in the greenhouse is kept approximately at the same level, the humidity does not exceed 75%, despite external weather changes. Cucumbers do not tolerate the scorching sun (instantly “burn”), severe cold snap (ovaries fall off) and insufficient lighting.
Lack of moisture for cucumbers is especially destructive, the plant will lose strength, the fruits will turn yellow. But you need to water the cucumbers correctly.
Rule one: watering should be moderate at the stage of growth of the lashes, during fruiting, the volume of water is increased, but it is impossible to flood the plant too abundantly: the roots rot from excess moisture, the plant dies. Check the condition of the soil.
Rule two: water in the early morning or evening. In the daytime, in the bright sun, this cannot be done, the leaves can get burned, turn yellow and dry. This is especially true for cucumbers growing in the open field.
Rule three: it is recommended to pre-settle water for irrigation in barrels so that it is warm and comfortable for the plant temperature, cold watering cucumbers do not tolerate well.
Rule four: after watering, open the greenhouse for ventilation so that condensation does not form on the walls of the greenhouse and the leaves of the plant – excess moisture is destructive for a cucumber. After watering, the soil must be loosened.
Lack or excess of fertilizers
The cucumber needs regular feeding, especially with nitrogen-containing preparations. But when watering with fertilizers, be careful when drawing up a solution and observing the feeding technique, because the plant may die from an overabundance of trace elements of potassium, magnesium, copper.
A lack of trace elements is dangerous for a cucumber, but more harm is from excess and improper feeding – when the solution gets on the leaves, foci of burns are also formed, the plant turns yellow and withers.
The cucumber is weak against disease, and the chances are high that the leaves and fruits have turned yellow and wilted because the plant is sick. Among its specific problems in the greenhouse are fungal diseases, when spots appear on the leaves, the fruits become small, twisted, new ovaries fall off. In order not to be left without a crop, it is better to consult with specialists and take measures to eliminate the disease. And next year, when planting, choose seeds from cucumbers resistant to certain types of bacteria.
Root rot affects the plant as a result of abundant watering (including cold water), the soil is silted up, the root system of cucumbers does not have enough oxygen, weak areas are exposed to phytopathogenic bacteria. The leaves on the lash turn yellow and fall off, the plant dies.
Gray mold also happens from high humidity, stagnant air in the greenhouse and a drop in temperature. Therefore, it is important to regularly ventilate the greenhouses after watering, but at the same time avoid drafts.
Cucumbers get sick easily on rainy, cool summers powdery mildew… This is a fungal disease: white bloom first appears on the leaves, the leaf gradually darkens and dries up.
Humidity provokes development and downy mildew – peronosporosis. Cucumber leaves are covered with yellow foci of “dew”, the infected areas increase, the plant dries up. Fungal spores can be found in seeds. The active phase of the disease is June-August.
If the cucumber sprouts wither during the day and recover at night, then there is a possibility that the plant is affected fusarium wilt… It is another soil-living fungus that spreads spores with the wind and is transmitted through seeds. For some time, the plant develops, but with the appearance of the ovary, it lacks strength, the leaves dry and die off.
This is an even bigger problem when growing vegetables. And the greenhouse with its own microclimate and artificial conditions does not protect plants from the invasion of insect pests. Zelentsy attacks more often than others spider mite… It appears at the height of summer, at hot temperatures, attaches itself to the inside of the leaves and begins to weave a web. Cucumber whips wither, leaves turn yellow.
Another misfortune becomes aphid… It feeds on plant sap and is capable of destroying plantings in a short time. Aphids are carried by ants, which always live in large numbers in the greenhouse. How to get rid of ants, read here.
Another big fan of the cucumber culture is greenhouse whitewash… True, it is quite easy to deal with it: folk remedies, for example, a garlic solution, help, they also make traps – bright yellow containers with sweet sticky syrup.
Unsuccessful landing
If the seedlings were planted at a small distance from each other, then the adult plants will lack light, air and nutrients. In addition, cucumbers do not get along in the garden next to some plants, such as tomatoes. For this reason, cucumber lashes also lose strength, shedding the ovaries.
No pollination
Cucumber leaves wither if there is insufficient pollination. If bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers grow in the greenhouse, you need to open the doors and windows of the greenhouse for insect access, you can put a sweet solution in the greenhouse – this will attract bees. If self-pollinated varieties are planted, then you need to help them by slightly lifting the whips.