Why cardamom is useful: the healing properties of seeds and oils

😉 Hello friends! In the article “Why cardamom is useful: the healing properties of seeds and oil” – about the properties of cardamom, valuable for the body.

Cardamom – what is it

This is the name of the fruits (seeds) of the tropical evergreen plant Elettaria Cardamomum of the Ginger family. His homeland is India and Ceylon. Cardamom is one of the most expensive spices. In the Middle Ages, it was sold in pharmacies as an expensive medicine.

He is called the “king of spices”. The fruits contain essential oil with notes of lemon and mint, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3. The spice is added to tea, mulled wine and coffee (weakens the effect of caffeine).

Why cardamom is useful: the healing properties of seeds and oilsCardamom is widely used in many countries for its stimulating and spicy properties. Since ancient times, this spice has been used not only to add characteristic features to dishes, but also as an aphrodisiac.

Cardamom oil

Most often, in shops and spice shops, cardamom can be found in the form of crushed or whole grains. At the same time, it is worth noting that cardamom oil from them is not so popular that it is completely undeserved.

You need to know more about the healing properties of this plant. Why is it valuable? What are the health benefits? Are there any restrictions on the use of cardamom oil?

Natural oil is produced by distillation using steam passing through the feedstock. This fragrant substance contains many active ingredients, which only a specialist in organic chemistry can understand.

It is much more important for the consumer to be aware of the options for using such a product and possible restrictions associated with health hazards. First of all, cardamom oil is appreciated for its wide possibilities and is often used in the preparation of homemade medicinal drugs.

It helps to successfully fight nausea, the effects of chemotherapy, seizures … The antiseptic, antibacterial and antispasmodic properties of this product are highly valued.

Why cardamom is useful: the healing properties of seeds and oilsManufacturers of cosmetics and perfumery use oil in the production of beauty products and perfumes. The main beneficial properties of this substance include:


Cardamom oil has been shown to be very effective for cramps, whooping cough, coughs and asthma attacks. Inhalation and other aromatherapy procedures are recommended as a prophylactic agent for such ailments.

Antibacterial and antiseptic

Its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties make the oil an effective remedy for combating odors and bacteria in the mouth. It reliably disinfects drinking water and protects food products from deterioration even outside the refrigerator.

Water with the addition of oil is successfully used as a rinse, disinfecting hair and skin.

Diuretic and digestion stimulating

Cardamom oil not only protects the gastrointestinal tract from infections, but also stimulates digestive activity in the stomach and intestines. It helps to normalize the secretion of bile and gastric juices.

And also – it regulates blood pressure, has a diuretic effect and helps to cleanse the body of toxins and accumulating toxic waste products.

Warming, stimulating and exciting

The warming properties of the oil are manifested in increasing the intensity of sweating and accelerating metabolic processes. This can be a valuable consideration in the treatment of colds.

In turn, the stimulating properties of cardamom oil can not only “spur” the nervous system, eliminating the feeling of fatigue, but also prevent the development of depressive conditions, effectively fighting stress.

This substance has a stimulating effect on other organs of the body, including the intestines, improving peristalsis. As an aphrodisiac, ancient Indian healers learned to use this oil.

Using their experience, in modern Asia and India, such a drug is used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, frigidity, as well as increasing libido.

Other benefits

In addition to the pronounced and widely used properties, the oil has others – no less valuable. It relieves the effects of insect bites and tobacco smoke poisoning, as it is a natural antidote.

This substance does not differ in serious side effects either. But it works great in mixtures that include similar products derived from cinnamon, orange, caraway seeds, cloves, bergamot, etc. It is important to remember that scientists emphasize the need to consult a doctor during pregnancy.

Tip: you should not buy ground spices, there is no aroma and benefit in this form.

Cardamom: contraindications

  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • gastritis and duodenal ulcer;
  • with diseases of the gallbladder;
  • not recommended for hypertension;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • overdose causes diarrhea.


More information “Why cardamom is good for you” in this video

Cardamom Beneficial Properties

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