Why are there so many mosquitoes this year?

“There is nothing super-mysterious about the activity of mosquitoes this summer, although there are many unpleasant ones. The fact is that we are used to encountering mosquitoes at the adult stage of their development – when they are winged and bite, but they also have larvae in their life cycle. And the larvae of blood-sucking mosquitoes develop in stagnant reservoirs, and they prefer those where fish are not found, since they are actively eating them away, ”the specialist explains.

According to the scientist, first of all, puddles fit this definition. But not any, but those that cost at least two or three weeks. So much is needed for the development of a mosquito from an egg to an adult insect.

“Indeed, this summer in many regions there are much more mosquitoes than usual, since the winter was abnormally little snow. Accordingly, there was no strong flood and no floodplain puddles were formed, ”the expert continues.

That is why in the second half of May, when we are usually already attacked by mosquitoes, there were practically none of them, since there was nowhere for the larvae to develop. And then, in early June, there were real showers, the rivers swelled, and the puddles filled up. After that, extremely hot weather immediately set in. And here is the result: after three weeks we were faced with a massive flight of adult mosquitoes and really found ourselves in a not very pleasant situation, when insects fly in a dense cloud in nature, and there is no escape from them.

“Their mass flight has nothing to do with self-isolation, because in May people rushed from the city to their dachas, where they were well fed in the spring. And man, no matter how we would like, is not the center of the Universe for them – they could find food in the form of the blood of various forest animals, which did not go to any quarantine in their holes and dens, ”adds Vadim Maryinsky.

It turns out that it’s all about the weather – because of the abnormally snowless winter, we are now forced to fend off an incredible number of mosquitoes.

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