Why are tangerines sold in red nets?

You’ve probably noticed that if tangerines are packaged, then, as a rule, in red nets. Why exactly red? What’s the rule? Why are the nets not green, not blue, not black?

It turns out that this is one of the marketing moves that stores go to to get you and me to buy more and more willingly.

The thing is that it is in the red nets that the tangerines seem even more orange. This means that they have a more appetizing, more attractive and more marketable appearance. This rule works not only for tangerines, but also applies to other orange-colored citrus fruits – oranges, grapefruits.  

It should be noted that this is probably the most harmless of the shop tricks, with which you shouldn’t even fight. After all, tangerines are good for the body. 


How does it work?

Buy tangerines in a red grid and lemons in a yellow grid. Place the lemons inside the net and rate. Don’t lemons look orange? By the way, if they are packaged, they are laid out in yellow or green nets to enhance their own yellow color. 

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