In movies and books, if the characters open their own business, it must turn out to be a huge success. In life, 90% of startups close before they have time to gain momentum. Perhaps not everyone should follow the call to “open your own business and live by your own rules”? Business coach Jeanne Lurie on why entrepreneurship is not always a smart decision, and office work is not an anti-trend at all.
How do we imagine the life of a successful businessman? Luxurious, well-fed and happy. Here he or she is driving in a nice car to have dinner at an expensive restaurant. Returns to a beautiful country house or penthouse in the city center. He rests at the best resorts, communicates with interesting people, flashes in the gossip column.
It seems that it is worth just reading a book from the How to Become a Millionaire series, discovering something of your own, and all the treasures of the world are at our feet. Few people have a clear idea of the way to the possession of these treasures, hoping more and more for luck, for a miracle. Zuckerberg will come, get inspired by the idea and buy a startup for big money.
Of course, this is not serious. Before starting your own project, it is worth asking yourself a few questions.
Why do I need my business?
If you are driven only by fantasies about dolce vita, that is, the desire to satisfy material needs, the business is unlikely to be successful. A startup is a whole life consisting of different stages. There will be ups and downs and ups and downs. You should be driven by a lofty idea aimed at the well-being of society. First of all, your business should be necessary and useful to people. Only in this case they will be ready to pay you money. And not at all because you dream of living beautifully and richly.
«What mental needs will it satisfy?»
A business project must also satisfy your intangible requests — the need for self-realization, autonomous work, creating your own team. The famous phrase “Find a job you love and you won’t have to work a single day” is very far from reality. As well as beautiful words about what you need to do only what you like. If you’re going to be a truly successful entrepreneur, don’t read populist books, get down to business.
«Do I really want something of my own?»
We read many success stories, and it begins to seem to us that our own business is something simple, feasible for everyone. But entrepreneurship is the most difficult way of personal and professional realization in society.
Working for an «uncle» is not so bad if the «uncle» pays a good salary. It is worth remembering that entrepreneurship is not entertainment, but a huge responsibility to yourself, loved ones, the team — people who are financially dependent on you. Are you ready to take on this responsibility?
«What will I do if I fail?»
Most of the legends about successful businessmen sound something like this: a person worked in a boring office, and then picked up and left. I opened my own business and bought a premium car in three months… It is interesting that you personally don’t know this lucky person and everything can be different for you.
Suppose a business brings disappointment or even leads to financial ruin. How will you get out? What will you say to colleagues and friends? Can you honestly tell me what it’s like to swim solo? Can you share your failure story? Are you ready to return to your previous job? It is important to think over in detail all the ways to retreat in the event of a business defeat, and only after that begin to believe in yourself and the need for your project.
Before you make your final decision, consider the arguments for working in an office.
1. Clear area of responsibility
The employee is responsible within the limits of his official powers. If something goes wrong, the worst thing that can happen is getting fired. Unpleasant, but not a disaster.
The owner of the company is always responsible for the entire business. This also includes social responsibility. A mistake can be fatal — the whole business is at stake.
2. Stable income
The hired worker receives wages on the conditions prescribed in the contract. It can be fixed or depend on KPI performance. This means that you can plan spending for a month or six months in advance, focusing on potential income.
The entrepreneur has a completely different story. He is constantly thinking about how to increase profits. The head is spinning from the tasks that need to be solved: how and with what to pay rent, taxes, wages, pay off suppliers and contractors. And only then does he think about his own salary and funds for the development of the company.
3. Less stress
The employee, of course, experiences stress at work, but much easier than the owner. The entrepreneur lives in constant fear that the business may fail. Partners leave. Suppliers will let you down. Customers will write bad reviews on social media. The most gifted employee will open a competing firm. It is very easy to destroy a business today, and the owner is well aware of this.
4. Scheduled leave
The employee went on vacation and forgot about the affairs of the company — rest is rest. He can turn off the phone, not go to the mail and even forget the password from it. The owner does not take vacations. Physically, he can go to the sea or a ski resort, but he «takes the business with him.» An entrepreneur is forced to devote several hours a day to work, especially in the initial stages of a startup. Are you ready for this?
5. Normalized schedule
An employee, as a rule, spends a strictly limited amount of time in the office. He does not think about how to increase the company’s profits, reduce costs, increase the return on staff. Nor does he care what competitors do.
An entrepreneur works 24/7, is constantly in the process of making decisions, because the position of the company in the market depends on them. Irregular working hours are the main drawback of entrepreneurial activity.
6. Evenings and weekends with family
Both a startupper and an experienced businessman are thinking about how to improve business processes even after 18:00. They meet with partners or customers to sign new contracts or agree on the terms of a deal. Such a schedule cannot but affect relationships within the family.
7. Moderate engagement
An employee’s involvement in work can be zero, or it can be 50% or 100% — it depends on both motivation and personal qualities. The owner is 100% involved, since the stability and development of the business depends on his active participation.
8. Limited control
The hired employee controls the work of subordinates within the framework of the job description or is generally exempted from responsibility. An entrepreneur, out of fear of losing business, has to keep an eye on everything. Difficulty with delegation is one of the main problems of business owners, it forces them to process and “live at work”.
9. More relaxed attitude towards the team
A hired person is a team member: today he works here, and tomorrow, having gained knowledge and skills, he works for a competitor, and this is normal. The entrepreneur is always in the process of selecting effective employees, professional evaluation of their work. He needs to think about the development of the labor collective in order to increase efficiency and return.
10. Moderate Competency Requirements
An employee can afford to know and be able to only what is necessary to perform the tasks assigned to him. The owner needs to know all the details of doing business: from the development strategy and maintaining a competitive position in the market, the basics of financial, accounting and legislation governing the company, to building an effective team.
If you correctly set a goal, plan strategies for career transitions, draw up a plan for personal and professional growth and development, you can make good money in a corporate format. Working for a company gives you the opportunity to gain experience and expand your competencies while sitting in a comfortable office, rather than fighting on the barricades of your own business. Working under someone else is much easier than managing «something of your own.»
Before starting your own business, think about what this business will give you. Perhaps you can realize your creative potential and childhood dreams without leaving your office chair.