When is it time to have your second child

Careful, this little trickster will circle you like a child!

“Come back for your son!” – said goodbye to me at the hospital when I was leaving home with my newborn daughter. I smiled in response, but thought to myself: “Aha, now!” More than one month passed until I was able to calmly think, “why not.”

Two children is, whatever one may say, twice as difficult as one. This requires more money, strength, attention, and responsibility. True, there will be twice as much love in the house. And then the first kid does tricks that make us think that we are ready for the second. For example, such.

He sleeps peacefully all night

Lord, really this time has finally come, and you no longer have to jump ten times to feed / change a diaper / calm down. You can finally relax. But a little good. With the appearance of the second child, the firstborn can also show miracles of like-mindedness and start waking up ten times a night – again.

The child stops climbing into your bed.

There are never many miracles, but this is too much. Not only is he asleep, but also in his room, in his own bed, without trying to get under your side. And if he is not still trying to wake you up at 4 in the morning with a cry: “I have already slept!”, Then a fairy tale has come. The kid has matured, which means that you can think about the second. And again part with a restful sleep without bedmates.

He eats what they give without speaking.

“Mine doesn’t eat anything useful at all,” a friend complains. Her Timofey agrees to eat only buns, cakes, buns and sweets. He spits out the soup, spreads the porridge on the dog. And the hectic mom who sits in each of us suffers that the child is hungry. And then suddenly – once! – another miracle: the kid suddenly starts eating soup, porridge, and even – incredible! – salad. Well, exactly, quite an adult and independent became, it’s time to give birth to a second.

Perfectly behaves on a trip

Doesn’t yell on the plane, doesn’t wrap your nerves on your fist while you’re driving, doesn’t ask you to pee, drink, eat and stretch every three minutes. He just sits calmly in his place, looks around, decorously leafs through a book or takes care of his toys. Downright pride bursting! Well, the thought comes back again: there is no need to babysit with this, it’s become big, it’s time for a second.

Learned to communicate with peers

No more scandals over other people’s toys, no more fights in the sandbox. You can sit quietly on the couch and read a book over a mug of coffee or even stick to your phone, and your child will not try to kill anyone. Yeah, so it won’t conflict with the younger one either. Well, well, keep your pocket wider.

Goes to the potty without persuasion

Once upon a time, the trees were taller, the grass was greener, and children started going to the pot in a year and a half. And now, God forbid, if at three he decides that yes, he’s tired of the diaper. Mothers are ready to give a standing ovation for this moment. And once all these months are somehow forgotten, when they tried to teach the child to the potty, but he ignored him as the worst enemy. But keep in mind: nobody canceled the regression. And it is possible that instead of one baby in a diaper, you will have two of them. Everyone wants attention.

He will ask for a brother

Or sister. And this is a forbidden trick. There is nothing to cover here, to fight back, too, to keep the defense is impossible. However, all persistent requests for a brother or sister do not cancel children’s jealousy. It doesn’t always happen, but it does. And fighting her is still a pleasure.

However, the only way to know if you are ready for a second child is to honestly ask yourself about it. Because no one but you will answer this question.

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