What you must remember when choosing a diet

Choosing food for yourself in order to achieve the desired result is not an easy task. You probably already feel the consequences of tried and tested fashionable diets, which only undermined your health and did not help you get rid of extra pounds. This time, take your time and choose the food with which it will be comfortable and safe for you to lose weight.

First of all, it is worthwhile to clearly understand how many kilograms should be removed. In this case, the goal should be real, and not from the “minus 10 per week” area.

Calculate your BMI (body mass index) according to the following formula: your weight (kg) was divided by the height squared (m2).

  • If your BMI fluctuates between 18,5 and 24,9, then you hardly need to lose weight. Most likely, you are not satisfied with the quality of your body and the state of muscle mass. In this case, only the gym will help you.
  • If your BMI is between 25 and 29,9, you should reset a little.
  • Less than 18,5 – you are simply prohibited from losing weight!

Think about the timing… Calculate the time to lose weight. It is considered normal to lose 1-2 kilograms per week, more – there is a risk of harm to health. Choose a date – it will encourage you to stay on track.


Among the chosen diets, pay attention to those that are designed for a month – no more. Weekly diets are not suitable for high-quality weight loss and are most often based on strict dietary restrictions. Weight after such diets returns.

Don’t rule out the foods you love… Choose the diet, the use of products from which will be comfortable and affordable for you. It is important to eat tasty, not just right.

Think about how you will get out of the diet and what nutritional principles to follow after it. Think about what bad culinary habits you need to get rid of – eating fast food, carbonated sugary drinks, fatty foods or desserts.

Set aside a day when you can indulge in a little of the forbidden – psychologically, it will help you hold out.

Plan your meals in such a way that you consume the main calories in the morning and for lunch, when the metabolism is most active, and dinner is light.

Decide what kind of sport you will supplement your diet with… Do not forget about physical activity – a thin but saggy body looks unattractive. Choose a sport in such a way that it matches your lifestyle and is comfortable – then it will not be difficult to practice regularly.

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