Who said purrs don’t like board games? They also love it, because this is a great reason to attract attention to yourself.
Puzzles, puzzles and board games are now more popular than ever. In any case, among those responsible people who honestly sit out quarantine at home. After all, you need to have fun somehow, not all work or do household chores. And puzzles, according to psychologists, help to relax, disconnect from unpleasant thoughts and generally comprehend Zen. Not to mention the happiness and pride that we experience when we assemble a picture from several hundred or even thousands of pieces. And what if a cat starts helping in such a responsible business? It will be even more fun.
“We spent half an hour looking for the last piece of the puzzle. Guess where he was, ”writes one lucky cat owner. And publishes a photo with an answer to the question. The sweetest answer, I must say!
“Pets are just as bored as humans,” animal behavior experts say. – You are busy with study and work, it is also important for them to find something to do, especially if you have one pet and cannot play with a relative. Otherwise, out of boredom and excess energy, he will do the strangest things, he may even become aggressive, just to get your attention. “
You can think of a lot of entertainment for cats: take out a cardboard box for them, put a couple of paper bags on the floor. Only the latter need to cut off the handles so that your pet does not get stuck in them: cats love to rush around the house, putting a bag around their necks.
“We hung a bird feeder on the balcony. Now for our cats it’s like a TV: they sit on the windowsill, watching the pigeons, ”- experienced cat breeders share.
However, these measures, most likely, will not save you from the company in the process of collecting the mosaic. Kitty is too curious. And even if the unfinished puzzle is covered with foil, the prankster will find a way to get to it.
Not to mention the fact that with one graceful movement of the paw, destroy your many evening work. We have collected the funniest photos of cats collecting puzzles. Scroll through the photo gallery!