What to eat to protect the immune system

Flu season already in full swing. The best way to protect yourself is to dress for the weather and eat right. Yes, with proper nutrition, you can easily resist all the colds.

No overseas names that are hard to find; they are all very familiar to you. Include this food in your daily diet, and the body will gain more strength to fight off viruses.


Regular chicken broth contains large amounts of nutrients, which are very easily and quickly digested in the body and better cope with energy recovery.

Vitamin C

The most important vitamin that supports the immune system all year round. That is, it protects your body from damage, the most important internal organs and glands. Vitamin C can be found in rose hips, apples, parsley, sea buckthorn, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, mountain ash, and citrus.


A small amount of ginger can give energy for the whole day and deal with hangovers, colds, and more severe winter conditions. Ginger has many useful properties that make it an indispensable element in the fight against diseases and strengthening immunity.

What to eat to protect the immune system

Hot lemonade

The lemon plus the hot water — that’s the whole simple recipe of this wonderful lemonade. If every morning starts with a Cup of this drink, then after a week, you can see how stronger has become your immune system, and how much easier you Wake up in the morning. Lemon has cleansing properties, due to which the body gets rid of toxins. A lemonade, by the way, can compete with coffee for its bracing effect.


It’s a classic in the fight against germs, not very pleasant, but effective. Garlic is a powerful antioxidant with properties of antibiotic of any antivirus. As well as garlic prevents blood clots in the blood and liquefies sputum. The garlic can find several minerals such as sulfur and selenium, which greatly boost the immune system.

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