What to do if an orchid leaves wither
Orchid is a whimsical houseplant that requires constant care, feeding and proper watering. What to do if the leaves of an orchid wither? How to save a capricious home beauty from death? The reasons for the wilting of the leaves of the indoor flower, the recommendations for caring for the plant will be considered in this article.
What to do if the leaves of an orchid begin to wither?
Why do orchid leaves wither: reasons, ways to protect the plant
The wilting of leaves and flowers in all types of domestic orchids is associated with improper care, transplantation and transportation of the plant. The leaves and stems become flabby, changing color from rich green to yellow.
Premature wilting of a plant is associated with:
- lack or excess of moisture;
- overheating and damage to the root system;
- using concentrated feeding (mineral and salt fertilizers);
- soil compaction.
Orchid leaves wither when the flower is kept on a windowsill, above a radiator or near other heating appliances. This is due to the fact that due to heating of the root system, the foliage intensively evaporates moisture through the pores.
When overheated, the plant is placed for 1-2 hours in a dark place with a temperature 2-3 degrees below constant. This is to keep the orchid completely cool.
The plant is then placed in a basin of warm water (30ºC) and washed from a shower or watering can. After that, the flower is installed in a lighted place, remote from heating devices, its leaves are wiped with a dry cotton cloth.
Damage to the root system and its decay also provoke the death of the flower.
You can check the integrity of the roots by carefully removing the flower from the soil.
If the trunk of the orchid sits tightly in the ground, then damage to the roots can be excluded. Here the reason for the wilting of the leaves is a lack of moisture.
After the flower is removed, its root system must be carefully examined. Healthy roots are green (young roots are lighter in color), and rotten ones are dark brown.
To prevent the spread of decay, the affected roots are removed with a sterile sharp knife or scissors, and the plant is transplanted into fresh soil.
Places of cuts are pretreated with charcoal, ash or cinnamon.
Frequent watering and the use of dense, airtight soil will cause the leaves to die. Experienced flower growers recommend watering the orchid as the soil and its roots dry completely. To grow the plant, a soil consisting of pine bark and moss is used.
Orchid leaves wither due to frequent feeding with mineral and salt fertilizers. In properly selected soil and with normal watering, the orchid grows and blooms without the use of concentrated fertilizers.
Salt-containing additional plant nutrition dries out the root system. When the color and structure of the leaves changes, dense soil should be immediately replaced with fresh one. Otherwise, the plant will first lose its foliage and then die.
Withering leaves of an orchid are the first signal that the flower needs immediate help. Proper maintenance and moderate watering will help prevent plant death.