What to do if a kitten’s eyes fester
Pets, like people, are susceptible to various ailments. The weak point in their body is the organs of vision: they turn red, swell, and pus is released from them. This symptom cannot be ignored. The owner’s task is to figure out what to do if the kitten’s eyes are festering, and to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.
It is important for the owner to figure out in a timely manner what to do if the kitten’s eyes fester
Pus in the eyes is common in healthy animals. Its reasons are the features of the structure of the face, an improperly selected diet, prolonged sleep, a reaction to household chemicals used by the owner. Such discharge has a grayish tint, and washing helps to get rid of them.
Greenish or yellow pus is a more serious cause for concern. You cannot get rid of it with the help of washing, it does not disappear by itself. The reasons for its occurrence are:
- allergic reactions;
- received eye injuries;
- contact with the eyes of foreign bodies;
- infectious diseases;
- fungal infections.
The kitten’s eyes turn red and swollen, and other alarming symptoms appear:
- constant anxiety of the animal;
- attempts to hide in a dark place;
- the appearance of heat;
- change in the color of the coat near the eye sockets to a lighter color;
- refusal of food.
You don’t need to be a veterinarian to notice your pet’s suffering. To relieve them, it is important to diagnose the problem as early as possible and begin treatment.
What to do if a kitten has severely festering eyes
To get rid of purulent discharge, you need to visit your veterinarian. Often, only an experienced specialist can diagnose an ailment. He will select medication according to the particulars of the case.
Flushing can be used to relieve the baby’s distress before visiting the veterinarian. For procedures are used:
- chamomile solution;
- furacelin solution;
- boric acid solution.
The procedure is best done with two people. One person holds the kitten, and the second dips a cotton pad in a slightly warm agent prepared in advance and squeezes the liquid into the pet’s eye. After each instillation, you need to change the cotton wool. The process continues until the suppuration is completely removed.
If pus provoked a cold, warming up the nose with hot salt wrapped in a cloth and instilling a 1% soda solution into the sinuses will help speed up recovery. In many cases, the doctor prescribes an eye ointment – “Tetracycline”.
If kittens have festering eyes, in no case ignore this symptom. It can be a manifestation of dangerous diseases. See your veterinarian who diagnoses the condition and prescribes effective treatment.
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