What to do if a child fights in kindergarten
Faced with the aggression of their child, parents begin to think about what to do if the child fights in kindergarten, in the yard and even at home. This problem must be solved immediately, otherwise the baby will get used to behaving this way, and in the future it will be difficult to wean him from the bad habit.
Why do children start to fight
The question of what to do if a child fights in a kindergarten or in the yard is asked by parents when the child reaches 2-3 years old. During this period, they already begin to copy the behavior of adults, communicate with other children. But, despite being socially active, children lack communication experience, words and knowledge of how to act in a particular case. They begin to react aggressively to an unfamiliar situation.
If the child fights, do not make rude remarks to him.
There are other reasons for pugnaciousness:
- the child copies the behavior of adults, if they beat him, swear among themselves, encourage the aggression of the baby;
- it is influenced by films and programs;
- he adopts the behavior of his peers and older children;
- lack of attention from parents or caregivers.
Perhaps he was simply not explained how to distinguish between good and evil, to behave in different life situations.
What to do if a child fights in the garden and outside
The mistakes of parents whose children are too aggressive is indifference and encouragement of such behavior. It will not disappear by itself, will not bring him success in life, will not make him more independent. Inspire your child that any conflict can be solved with words.
What not to do if your child is fighting:
- shout at him, especially in front of everyone;
- try to shame;
- hit back;
- to praise;
- ignore.
If you reward children for aggression or scolding, they will continue to fight.
It will not be possible to wean a child from a bad habit at one time, be patient. If the baby hit someone in front of you, come and have pity on the offended, not paying attention to your child.
Children sometimes try to get your attention with bad behavior and fights.
If incidents occur in the kindergarten, ask the teacher to describe in detail all the details of why the conflict arose. Then find out everything from the baby, perhaps he was not the aggressor, but simply defended himself from other children. Talk to your child, explain to him what is wrong to do so, tell him how to get out of the situation peacefully, teach him to share and give in, express dissatisfaction verbally, and not with his hands.
Aggressive behavior is only 20-30% dependent on character. Therefore, if your child offends other children, it means that he lacks your attention, upbringing or life experience. If you do not want the behavior to worsen in the future, immediately start working on the problem.