What favorite ice cream can tell about your character

Ice cream is a favorite summer dessert most of us. And on what exactly you prefer, you can tell a lot about your character. This is the conclusion reached by scientists, Recalling their observations.

Popsicles or sherbet of different colors like the pessimists, that is why they are bright colors and unusual flavors.

Ice cream with chocolate preferred by people who like to be the center of attention. They are trusting, know how to please others, and trying to flirt in any situation.

The vanilla flavor of ice cream – passion impulsive people who live heart. They are easily manageable and give any opinion. At the same time, it is often idealists and perfectionists.

Coffee ice cream hit the spot fair and square. Such people are very meticulous in their habits and lifestyle, they are very responsible and conscientious.

What favorite ice cream can tell about your character

Strawberry flavor prefers very patient people, slightly shy and unassuming, sometimes deeply immersed in their own world.

Mint in ice cream choose discreet sweet tooth who like to defend their own opinions. They lean sometimes too stingy.

Almond-chocolate ice cream – excellent choice of interlocutors, able to listen and help in a difficult situation, helpful and so charming that you are drawn to them for advice or just a nice friendship.

Chocolate chips choose a generous and enterprising, the soul of companies, and reliable support for their loved ones.

Chocolate ice cream with cookie dough, prefer ambitious, goal-oriented people who love the spirit of competition is hard and inferior in some others. Among these people, a lot of dreamers and builders of grandiose plans.

Almond-caramel dessert – choice of gentle people with a fine mental organization. They don’t like undue attention and are easily hurt.

What your favorite ice cream says about you

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