What not to do right after eating

It is important not only what we eat, but how we eat and how we help the body to assimilate everything we eat. What you plan to do right after breakfast, lunch or dinner will affect your physical condition and digestion. What is forbidden to do or consume immediately after the main meal?


The horizontal position of the body can provoke the appearance of heartburn, congestion in the gastrointestinal tract, pain and discomfort. Digestive juices enter the esophagus and provoke a painful condition. It is advisable not to overeat “to the full”, which in itself is harmful and makes the body relax under the weight of what has been eaten.

Eat fruit


Fruits contain acids that ferment in the stomach. And if fruits are eaten between meals, then they are quickly digested, and after eating, they only inhibit its absorption.

To drink tea

Drinking food or drinking tea after a heavy meal is a dubious habit. The liquid drunk mixes with gastric juices and reduces their effectiveness. In addition, there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach. It is optimal to drink tea half an hour before meals, playing out the appetite and starting important digestive processes.


It is useful to take a walk after eating, only after taking a half-hour break. Walking right after a meal can cause acid reflux or discomfort and indigestion.


The feeling of fullness and some slowness in itself will not allow you to actively spend time after eating. It is known that you need to eat food 30-40 minutes before training, and preferably an hour. Exercise can cause heaviness, food from the esophagus back into the mouth, hiccups, belching, or heartburn. Before long cardio, it is best to eat 2 hours before training and preferably recharge with proteins or slow carbohydrates.

Take a hot bath

In hot water, the temperature of your body rises sharply, the blood flow to the surface of the body increases, and the internal organs, on the contrary, decreases. The process of digestion and assimilation of nutrients is deteriorating.


This habit has not made anyone healthier, and as far as digestion is concerned, smoking negates all the nutrients and vitamins taken at the meal. Nicotine weakens the intestinal muscles and disrupts digestion. If you cannot get rid of the smoking habit permanently, do it at least half an hour after eating.

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