What marmalade is made of now

Basic gelling components

To give the marmalade any shape, manufacturers add gelatin, agar-agar and pectin.

  • Gelatin

It is made from the brew of cartilage, bones, skin and tendons of animals. It helps to replenish the lack of protein, and therefore is useful.

  • Pectin

Obtained from the processing of apples, pumpkins, citrus fruits, sugar beet pulp and sunflower baskets. Pectin is one of the excellent sorbents.

  • Agar-agar

From brown and red algae. Agar-agar helps to reduce acidity in the stomach, detoxify the body, and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Nutritional value of marmalade

  • Vitamins

    PP (niacin) converts fats and carbohydrates into energy. Groups B normalize the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular systems and intestines. Improves skin condition and strengthens immunity.

  • Minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Magnesium, Iron

Minerals are essential for maintaining the normal functioning of the body. Lacking electrolytes such as potassium and sodium can lead to chronic fatigue.

  • Alimentary fiber

Regulate intestinal motility.

  • organic acids 

Improves appearance, strengthens hair and nails.

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