What is VHI: a cheat sheet in questions and answers

Agree, we are used to seeing voluntary health insurance rather as a pleasant, but optional bonus from the employer. The idea of ​​issuing a VHI policy on their own seems to many to be too difficult or even unjustified. But is it really so? Today we are analyzing the most popular questions related to the registration of VHI!

Block 1: Why do you need a VMI policy at all?

First of all, VHI is an opportunity to receive high-quality and, which is no less important, comfortable medical care! VHI conditions include taking care not only of the patient’s health, but also of his convenience, time saving and, of course, psychological comfort.

In addition, VHI programs, as a rule, include not only consultations of highly qualified specialists with a modern medical approach, but also high-tech methods of research and diagnostics, which make it possible to promptly make a diagnosis and start treatment in a timely manner. And, of course, the convenience of making appointments with specialists (including narrow-profile specialists), storage of all medical history in electronic form and the possibility of remote consultations with the attending physician play an important role.

Thus, the VHI policy, although it requires certain financial costs, in return allows you to save precious work and family time, thereby recouping its cost.

Block 2: Does the registration of a VHI policy require a bunch of medical reports or the passage of a medical commission?

One of the common myths is the belief that “VHI programs are suitable only for healthy people”. They say that the conclusion of a VHI contract requires a mandatory medical examination, and the policy, as a result, does not cover complex cases, chronic diseases, emergency interventions.

Of course, this is not at all the case! If you issue a VHI policy in a large and reliable insurance company that occupies a leading position in the insurance market, then the range of validity of such a policy, as a rule, will be very wide. And the registration will not require much effort – for example, in the Ingosstrakh company, to conclude a voluntary medical insurance contract, you only need a passport or other document proving the identity of the policyholder or his representative. Of course, no medical examination is required – you just need to fill out a simple questionnaire.

At the same time, the VHI policy issued by Ingosstrakh covers the main range of possible problems: the onset of an acute illness, exacerbation of a chronic illness, trauma (including burns, frostbite) and poisoning.

Block 3: Is it true that only people of working age are insured under VHI? After all, insurance for children and the elderly is not profitable for the company?

This is not true. Moreover, competent insurance companies understand that it is in childhood and old age that the need for fast and qualified medical care is especially great. Therefore, they try to develop special insurance programs for all family members who need special care and attention.

Block 4: Isn’t it easier in this case to issue a single VHI policy for the whole family?

In fact, this is just one of those optimal options that allows you to rationally use both financial and time resources of the family! In particular, the product “Close people”, developed in the company “Ingosstrakh”, allows you to connect to the VHI policy not only the spouse and children, but also elderly parents.

At the same time, all services are carried out on the basis of our own network of clinics “Be healthy” with the opportunity to visit the clinic that is most convenient in each case. All documentation is kept in electronic form, so that even when visiting different clinics in the network, all the patient’s medical information will be available to the doctor.

Block 5: How to be sure of the quality of medical care and the qualifications of doctors in the VHI system?

To receive the most technologically advanced and qualified assistance, it is very important to choose a reliable insurance company that works only with trusted partners. It is ideal if the insurance company also has its own network of clinics, the service of which meets all the standards of international medicine.

Ingosstrakh is an excellent example of a reliable insurer with a proven track record. She has been specializing in various types of insurance for many years and deservedly ranks among the top insurance companies in the Russian market.

The VHI policy from Ingosstrakh is a great way to take care of your health and share the burden of responsibility for the well-being of your family with a reliable partner!

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