What is the difference between a proverb and a saying: briefly for children

What is the difference between a proverb and a saying: briefly for children

Proverbs and sayings are found in everyday speech of people. Few people think about the difference between a proverb and a saying. We just use them in our speech when we want to note the worldly wisdom noticed by our great-grandfathers, or to give artistic coloring to what was said.

What is the difference between a proverb and a saying

Both are the sayings of the Russian people. They embody the customs and traditions of people, ridicule their vices.

A proverb is a folk wisdom, briefly expressed, for understanding by children

It can be difficult to distinguish a proverb from a saying, but still they have differences:

  • By form. A proverb is a complete sentence with an instructive meaning. A saying is a phrase or phrase. It is used to add emotionality to a statement. For example, the phrase “Do not spit in the well – it will be useful to drink water” warns against rash actions in relation to another person. After causing trouble to someone, they may need to seek help. And the saying “A mosquito will not undermine the nose” means that the work is done perfectly. And they insert it into a sentence like: I did the job very well – the mosquito will not undermine the nose.
  • Within the meaning of. The proverb conveys the wisdom and experience of the people. A saying describes a person’s action or quality. Often humorous. It can be replaced with other words. For example, the proverb “the hut is not red with corners, but red with pies” teaches people to pay more attention to hospitality and sincerity than to external beauty. And the saying “when the cancer whistles on the mountain” is inserted into the conversation in the meaning of “never”.
  • By rhyme. There is often rhyme in proverbs. For example, “do not wake up dashing while it is quiet.” There is no rhyme in sayings.

A proverb is an independent sentence, often rhymed. She teaches something. A proverb does not teach anything, it is a stable expression that makes sense only in the composition of a sentence. It is usually spoken as a joke.

Briefly about folklore for children

Proverbs and sayings are part of folklore. In the old days, children heard them before they learned to speak. Along with songs, nursery rhymes, jokes and jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, tall tales, proverbs and sayings retain a reflection of the way of life, beliefs, and ideals of our ancestors.

Due to the fact that a person hears them from childhood, they contribute to the formation and development of personality.

Usually, there is no clear line between proverbs and sayings. And when it comes to proverbs, sayings are also remembered.

1 Comment

  1. Wali Maan fahmin waxaan Sidee Maahmaah xigmad ku noqon karta what? maah maah waa wax lagu maahmaaho marka arini tagan tahay
    Murti waxay ?

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