What is not measured cannot be improved, do you know what your customers think?

What is not measured can not be improved. It applies to all aspects of life, but in companies, more than important, it is vital. You want to know what customers think of a product, even before officially launching that product.

In the restaurant industry it is key, since we are talking about an industry that is governed by qualitative criteria, and you must always know what you think and, above all, what your guests feel, from the moment they put their first foot on the table. restaurant.

How to obtain this information? Good question…

Formerly some restaurants left a small survey along with the account, and there were also now outdated suggestion boxes.

It is not the best method today: it is expensive, customers do not fill out paper surveys, and it is not practical or flexible.

The solution? The solution is not to create an application for your restaurant, although it would help, rather it is to use an application specialized in measuring the satisfaction of your customers.

Opinion as a source of income

We offer you a list of applications to obtain the opinion of your clients in a simple, practical and, above all, useful way …

Keweno. It is an application created by the Spanish startup Emtrics, and is already used in more than 5.500 establishments in almost 40 countries around the world. keweno Conduct surveys anonymously based on emoticons through a bidi code that is delivered to the customer right after the drink is finished.

The code can be printed on menus, account tickets, or even on the table. If you use a digital menu, it is much easier to implement. It’s free, but for € 20 per month (per establishment) you can respond to customers, manage users and export all the data to Excel to build charts.

QR Question. It is a service similar to the previous one, but with certain differences, it works through a QR code, which can be printed or sent through an address or email.

QR-QuestionQR Question has a control panel that works in real time, viewing comments, ratings and surveys at all times, being able to analyze and export all this information. They work under budget.

Forward Apps. It is not an application only for customer satisfaction surveys, but a comprehensive solution for restaurants. Includes, Virtual Menu, Online Store, Menus with photographs, Map to geolocate your establishments, Advertising spaces, etc.

Surveys are carried out by yourself and sent right after consumption. They have several plans, from € 14,99 per month with the basic modules.

Satisfaction Manager. It is an application of the company Xpuntocero. It allows you to create and edit forms in real time and obtain the information of the results divided by establishments, if you have several.

You can create them through personalized QR codes, so they do not have the classic and impersonal appearance that all these codes have.

They do not have a fixed price, since the price is fixed by use, that is, there is no initial investment, nor do you pay for a fee that you may not use.

Directories and apps to track where people talk about your restaurant.

You must learn to track and locate where your local is being talked about. Although there will be comments without order or meaning, there will also be valuable opinions that you will not be able to get otherwise. To mention a few, check out:







Maybe in your locality other pages are used, look for them, you will not only have information about what customers think about your business, but you will also promote your restaurant in places where it may not have been, and Google will reward you by improving your positioning.

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