Why watermelon is actually so useful

Juicy watermelon is simply indispensable in the summer season. It pushes all the Goodies on the back burner because it is perfect to quench your thirst and incredibly tasty. The variety is so great that now we have become available watermelons with red, pink and yellow flesh, and breeders have reached that brought for our convenience, seedless watermelons! Everyone knows that watermelons should be in the menu, but it is necessary to understand why.

How to choose

Sweet watermelon season starts in late July – August. Of course, in the markets and shops you will find watermelons before, but be careful, there is a high probability that these watermelons contain nitrates.

Choose berries medium in size, knock – ripe watermelon gives a ringing sound. The tail of a ripe watermelon will be dry, and if you press the ripe watermelon, you will hear crackling.

Useful properties of watermelon

  • Watermelon contains a lot of useful vitamins: A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B9, PP, folic acid; many macro-elements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, many trace elements: iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine.
  • Watermelons stimulate the process of hematopoiesis, so they are needed for anemia.
  • It is useful to eat watermelons in hypertension, atherosclerosis, gout, rheumatism, arthritis.
  • The flesh of watermelon contains delicate fiber, which reduce cholesterol levels in the body, improves intestinal flora, strengthen peristalsis.
  • And its juice cleans liver and kidneys of toxins, promotes the dissolution of salts prevents the formation of sand and stones.
  • Watermelon copes with the removal of excess fluid from the body, so will save you from swelling.
  • Eating watermelon helps to improve vision, it is especially useful for the elderly.
  • Watermelon is useful for everything, for example, watermelon seeds improve memory, act as an antioxidant, useful for kidney and bile ducts, dilates blood vessels, reduces the pressure.
  • Watermelon rinds are also edible. They are richer in vitamins than the flesh of the watermelon, in them there are many different amino acids.
  • Watermelon is used in cosmetics. Masks of watermelon pulp tone the skin, smooth wrinkles and improve the complexion.

Why watermelon is actually so useful

You should eat a lot of watermelons in season. You can make refreshing cocktails, add in the preparation of fruit smoothies, freeze watermelon ice, and use it for making sorbets. From the peel of the watermelon you may  cook candied, and pickled watermelon.

Read more about watermelon benefits and harms in our big article.

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