What does white vaginal discharge mean? Causes and prevention [EXPLAIN]

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White vaginal discharge can cause anxiety in many women. Fortunately, not every discharge is a sign of a disease of the intimate parts. Consistency, smell and color are also important elements in assessing the correctness of vaginal discharge. What can white vaginal discharge mean? How to take care of intimate hygiene to avoid unpleasant ailments?

Normal vaginal discharge – characteristics

White vaginal discharge is usually a sign of a woman’s body working properly. For the first time, white vaginal discharge appears in girls during puberty. The components of the white discharge are cervical mucus, bacteria and cells of the exfoliated epithelium of the vaginal walls. The physiological pH of the secretion is 3,5-4,5 pH, which means it is acidic.

The acidic environment of the vagina protects against pathogens.

Many women find that vaginal discharge naturally turns white and this is not related to any disease or infection. The following may cause anxiety: unusual consistency, unpleasant smell or a grayish or yellowish shade of white. It is worth observing the appearance of vaginal discharge in order to react as soon as possible in the event of changes and implement appropriate treatment.

If you notice abnormal vaginal discharge, try Karnosil Intim-gel – a vaginal gel that relieves the symptoms of intimate infections and helps to maintain the correct pH of the vagina.

White vaginal discharge during the menstrual cycle – should it appear?

Hormones – estrogen and progesterone – cause the consistency of vaginal discharge to change in different phases of the cycle. In the first phase, before ovulation, it can be sticky, transparent or whitish, while during ovulation – there is more of it, it becomes transparent. In the last phase, it thickens again.

  1. Observing mucus during ovulation – what should you pay attention to?

White vaginal discharge (as already mentioned) should not be a cause for concern, however, if its smell changes, you should inform your gynecologist as this may mean that bacteria or fungi have appeared in the vagina.

To assess whether the infection is fungal in origin, perform the Candida Albicans Intimate Advice Dispatch Test at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

White vaginal discharge and symptoms of an intimate infection

White discharge can be disturbing, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

  1. itching;
  2. pain during intercourse;
  3. pain when urinating.

The above-mentioned symptoms may indicate a developing intimate infection, the first symptom of which is the appearance of white discharge. However, they are often ignored – but it is worth looking at vaginal discharge to avoid contamination with Candida fungi or bacteria.

Do you want to rule out a bacterial infection? Perform mail-order tests for urogenital infections by sending a urine sample for analysis.

  1. The most common causes of vaginal discharge

White vaginal discharge – athlete’s foot

One of the most common infections of intimate parts is vaginal mycosis. Mycosis infection manifests as white vaginal discharge with a lumpy consistency. The mycosis is also accompanied by severe itching and burning of the vulva. Candida is usually responsible for vaginal fungal infections. That is why vaginal mycosis is sometimes called candidiasis.

Treatment of vaginal mycosis consists of oral administration of pharmacological agents or administration of vaginal suppositories or pessaries. In order to alleviate the symptoms of mycosis, the vulva can be lubricated with appropriate ointments or gels. Vaginal mycosis occurs through sexual transmission, in the absence of personal hygiene, weakened immunity after antibiotics or in the case of diabetes.

To ensure proper intimate hygiene, order Bioherba Natural Intimate Hygiene Gel available at an attractive price on Medonet Market.

White vaginal discharge – bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an infection that is very difficult to diagnose. Usually it does not show any particular symptoms. To recognize an infection, watch the smell and color of vaginal discharge. Well, with bacterial vaginosis, white vaginal discharge turns gray and has a fishy smell. In extreme cases, vaginal discharge may turn green.

Bacterial vaginosis is caused by a reduced number of lactobacilli, which disrupts the natural acidic pH of the vagina. In a less acidic environment, anaerobic bacteria are ideal for growth and multiplication. One of the best known bacteria responsible for bacterial vaginosis is Gardnerella vaginalis.

For bacterial infections of the vagina, it is worth using Dermoxen BACTOR antibacterial vaginal globules, which restore the natural pH of the genital organs and inhibit the multiplication of pathogens, without violating the so-called good bacteria.

You can find Gardnerella vaginalis in the mail order at Medonet Market. If, by the way, you want to check if the symptoms are caused by other infectious diseases of the genital system, order the test for intimate diseases – candidiasis, trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis.

Prophylaxis, i.e. proper intimate hygiene

Abnormal white vaginal discharge is usually a sign of an infection. In order to prevent bacterial and fungal infections, proper intimate hygiene should be taken care of. The rules of intimate hygiene include:

  1. using special intimate hygiene fluids that normalize the pH level,
  2. cessation of vaginal irrigation – vaginal irrigation can be performed once in a while using the Femina Irrigator for vaginal hygiene,
  3. always rubbing from the labia to the anus. Never the other way around!
  4. using your own bathing utensils, soap, towel, sponge,
  5. taking gynecological probiotics,
  6. wearing airy underwear made of natural materials,
  7. avoiding accidental sexual contact,
  8. using a condom during sex.

We recommend the Zielone Laboratorium cleansing cream for intimate hygiene available on Medonet Market, which gently cleanses the skin, preventing irritation and reducing the risk of intimate infections. We also recommend Dermoxen Anti-Odor – intimate hygiene fluid against intense smell, which is especially recommended for active women and menopausal women.

You can also choose an antibacterial and antifungal cleanser, which not only works as a gel for intimate hygiene, but also a liquid for cleaning erotic gadgets. If not properly disinfected, accessories can directly increase the risk of infection. During the intercourse, the antibacterial protective lubricant Defense will work.

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