Many of us, when the temperature rises, immediately imagine the worst. But the reasons can also be harmless – for example, you are dressed too warmly. We understand the most common complaints, but remember: only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis!
March 27 2017
Manifestation of malaise: pain in the region of the heart
Possible diseases. Diseases of the heart, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuralgia (osteochondrosis, spinal injuries).
What to do? Pressing, compressing pain radiates to the left arm, shoulder, shoulder blade? If you noticed something similar – call an ambulance urgently. But only a specialist can determine the cause of the pain by conducting additional examinations (X-rays, analyzes, ECG).
Manifestation of malaise: dizziness
Possible diseases. Diseases of the ear, central nervous system, hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances.
What to do? A healthy person should not have such a symptom. Perhaps you are just hungry, but if you have frequent and severe dizziness, it is better to see a therapist.
Manifestation of malaise: thirst
Possible diseases. Problems with the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus), kidneys, thyroid and parathyroid glands.
What to do? If you want to drink constantly, for a long time you feel dryness in your mouth, make an appointment with an endocrinologist. To rule out diabetes, you will need to check your blood glucose levels.
Manifestation of malaise: speech change
Possible diseases. Stroke, tumor, traumatic brain injury.
What to do? Alarm signal. If you notice that a loved one has a slowdown in pronunciation, indistinct sounds – call an ambulance.
Manifestation of malaise: aching headache
Possible diseases. Sign of more than 45 types of diseases, including hypertension, vascular dystonia, sinusitis. To determine the cause of persistent pain can only be in the hospital.
What to do? Measure your blood pressure and lower it if necessary. If the indicators are normal, determine what exactly hurts. For example, with inflammation of the frontal sinuses of the nose – the forehead area. If someone complains of a headache and numbness of the tongue, arms, legs, call the emergency room, this may be a sign of cerebrovascular accident.
Manifestation of malaise: swelling in the legs
Possible diseases. Diseases of the heart, kidneys or liver, diseases of the veins of the legs.
What to do? Self-medication is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to find out the exact cause of the edema, and only a specialist can do this.
Manifestation of discomfort: darkening in the eyes
Possible diseases. Low blood pressure, anemia, bradycardia, brain diseases.
What to do? Perhaps you are overtired or stand up abruptly. But you need to measure pressure and pulse in any case. If the readings are abnormal, consult your doctor.
Manifestation of malaise: sweating
Possible diseases. Stress, changes in hormonal levels, thyroid problems, vegetative dystonia.
What to do? Excessive sweating is considered a normal response in adolescence, menopause, and overweight people. In other cases, it is a sign of health problems.
Manifestation of malaise: drowsiness
Possible diseases. Avitaminosis, infections, inflammatory diseases with high fever, intoxication, chronic fatigue syndrome, lack of oxygen.
What to do? In a healthy person, sleepiness can be caused by off-season or intense exertion, overwork. To make the discomfort disappear, it is enough to get enough sleep and rest. But when the eyes close for no apparent reason, this is a sure sign that it’s time to go to the doctor.
Manifestation of malaise: nausea and vomiting
Possible diseases. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, poisoning), high blood pressure, heart problems.
What to do? This condition also occurs in a healthy person during stress, when feeling hungry, or if he suddenly gets seasick in transport. But in order to eliminate the risk, in acute conditions, be sure to consult a doctor.