What does a person’s addiction to certain foods mean?

“You are what you eat”. Hippocrates’s statement turned out to be much deeper than it seems.

“The fate of nations depends on the way they are fed” – this expression belongs to the French writer Brillat-Savarin. We do not know about the nations, but the fact that your character is reflected in your diet seems to be true. The soul of the company or the introvert, the risky person or the adherent of traditions – all this can be determined by looking at your plate. Well, let’s check it out?

1. The sharper the better

If you are one of those who add pepper to hot sauce, if your motto is “Food is not food, if it doesn’t burn,” then you probably love and the sensations are the same – hot and spicy. This is what the specialists of the Institute of Food Technologies say in their research. The fact is that spicy and spicy foods irritate pain receptors. Therefore, people try not to overdo it with pepper. But those who have a high pain threshold … They need a brighter sensation. Adrenaline and new experiences are your passion.

2. Sweet and sour mixture

Pineapple meat, Chinese sweet and sour sauce, fruit gummies. The combination of sour and sweet attracts many. Alanna Kessler, a psychologist and nutritionist, assures that this is because we feel contradictions in our lives, or are disappointed. “We eat sweets to feel better, to seize stress, to comfort ourselves. And we want sour when we are on the verge of something, are very worried and anxious “, – says the expert… A passion for sweet and sour means that you are a little overwhelmed. But returning the balance will not be difficult if you do not start the situation.

3. Something new

Are you not afraid of new and unusual combinations of products, do you like to discover new cafes and restaurants, try something new? You’re an adventure lover! Stock market trading or skydiving can all be equally appealing to you. A new dish is a kind of new adventure too, which is just waiting for you to do it. You love to live life to the fullest and never miss a new experience. We bet you will be one of the first to visit the newly opened Mexican restaurant on the next street.

4. Sweet and sweet again

One reputable journal that studies the social nature of the individual says that sweet lovers are sweet people. Scientists have found that those who adore cakes, pastries, candy, chocolate, and other harmful sweet things are usually sweet, friendly, pleasant, and courteous. Apparently, caramel popcorn was invented especially for you.

5. Pizza

Many people love pizza, not everyone admits it. A study on this Italian fast food (yes, there is one) says that pizza can be addictive. It’s all about the combination of fats and simple carbohydrates. They make our brains glow like a Christmas tree. As for psychology, pizza is the food of extroverts. If you love pizza, then you probably love parties, noisy companies, where everyone and everyone is friends, a lot of communication, chatter and fun.

6. Meat with potatoes

And immediately the smell of the house. Yes, it’s about tradition. “Those who prefer ordinary food like meat and potatoes prefer to live a simple, ordinary life, for them family comes first,” says Dr. Kessler. It can be a cutlet with mashed potatoes, a chicken leg with fried potatoes, and in general any food that your mother prepared. This food makes you feel the warmth of the home, the connection with your loved ones.

7. Puddings, jellies and creams

Banana cake is one of the best inventions in cooking. And also puddings, custard, ripe bananas, yoghurts. If you like food with a similar texture, it means that you are a very sensitive person who gives importance to the little things. You are really sensitive to detail, you know how to recognize subtle nuances of taste. Usually such people are very cheerful and make a good career – the devil is in the details, you know.

8. Exotic food

Seaweed salad, snails, frog legs, snake meat, durian. Have you tried anything like this? If you really like this direction of cooking, then you are the one who loves to take new heights and learn new things. You are passionate about something all the time. “The desire to try ‘scary’ food is an innate curiosity, the desire to know more about other cultures and cuisines,” says Kessler.

9. Ice cream with toppings

According to psychologists, people who have carried their childhood love for ice cream through their entire adult life often retain their childish innocence, naivety and purity. And they will never lose the ability to wonder. There are so many varieties of ice cream! Toppings, additives, mixes, toppings and toppings – an incredible variety. Ice cream lovers love to find small moments of joy in everything – and they do.

10. Kebab, grill and barbecue

There is something primitive in this – to stand in the open air, greedily biting teeth into a juicy piece of meat that smells sharply of the smoke of a fire. Nearby, this very fire is burning, which makes the atmosphere even more primitive. “Meat lovers are often very serious and focused. They can also be aggressive – in such people there is a memory that a person once lived by hunting, ”says Kessler. And meat eaters can be quite reckless. If you want to captivate them with something, add a competitive moment. They won’t be able to resist. And tell them about the secret ingredients for the perfect kebab. The meat eater will be happy.

11. Vegetables and fruits

Many people every day eat potatoes, cabbage, carrots and other simple vegetables that we are used to seeing in our garden. And there are those who can at first glance identify chard, artichoke and iceberg lettuce, they always have leeks in their fridge, and capers are not just a ridiculous-sounding word for them. Such people prefer to know and understand what they eat and strive to lead a healthy lifestyle. Fruit and vegetable connoisseurs are generally wholehearted individuals who prefer clarity in everything.

12. Newfangled smoothies

There are people – and there are many of them – who start their day with a glass of freshly blended cocktail. “Smoothies are very handy for those who prefer multitasking,” says Dr. Kessler. Instead of sitting at the table and thoughtfully chewing oatmeal, bananas, berries and other usefulness, they simply mix it all in a blender and simultaneously do a bunch of other wonderful things. Therefore, they manage to do so much that everyone around them is surprised. And they do not forget about health – self-care in such people never fades into the background.

13. Dumplings and macaroni with cheese

This is the kind of fast food that moms cook when there is absolutely no time for a normal dinner. Nuggets, food to go, that’s all. If you really love this kind of food, it means that you are romanticizing childhood. You probably like to remember the past, these golden days, you are not averse to chatting with your sister and laughing once again at some episode from your common childhood. And that’s not bad, just don’t get too stuck in the past. You also have the present.

14. Sushi and rolls

In general, this is also fast food, just from the East. At the same time, a roll with tuna, flying fish roe, wrapped in nori and seasoned with wasabi is not the same as a hamburger and fries. It’s almost exquisite. Love for sushi means that you are open to everything new, you like to experiment and know how to find unexpected turns in routine events.

15. Coffeemania

Many stars cannot imagine their day without a good glass of cappuccino or latte. If you share this passion, then you are most likely a true alpha conqueror. You are competitive, impatient, you work hard, often in very stressful jobs. And at the same time they are very organized, ambitious and know how to masterfully navigate in time and events, having a tightly packed schedule. Remember to relax and rest, please.

16. Chocolate Chip Cookies

Fresh, warm, deliciously crumbly chocolate chip cookies, mmm … The cookies with their sweet aroma trigger the release of oxytocin, the hormone of love. And chocolate contains theobromine, a substance that has a calming effect. So if you really love these cookies, then you are most likely very tired. Why, you’re just exhausted. You urgently need a vacation. Or at least get a good night’s sleep. And, of course, a box of cookies is essential.

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