Do you really think you need to start your new life on Monday? Come on! Our heroes started it when they realized that it was high time to change. And above all – to change outwardly.
Maria Borzunova lost 35 kilograms, sitting on an extreme diet.
– At the time of my first pregnancy, I was not yet 18 years old. However, despite her young age, the pregnancy did not go unnoticed. In nine months, I gained over 15 kg. And, when she was discharged from the hospital, she weighed about 75 kg. Over the next two years, the weight increased even more, and at some point the arrow on the scales approached the 90 kg mark. Thus, at the age of 18, I began to wear size 52.
Did it strain me? I don’t know … Surrounded by my friends, I zealously supported conversations on the topic “I want to be slim”, but no diets and attempts to go in for sports still did not bring the desired result, and I did not seem to suffer from this. However, I distinctly remember the moment when I nevertheless decided that I needed to pull myself together. That morning I stood in front of the mirror, looked at myself and decided that I had already eaten deliciously, and now I want to dress beautifully! I started to act according to the principle “The best way to lose weight is not to eat.” I drank a lot of coffee (at least 10-15 cups of instant coffee with milk and sugar a day), ate about one milk chocolate a day, sometimes literally had a snack on the go. This method of losing weight is well known, but not suitable for everyone. As a result, thanks to coffee, the body had a sufficient amount of energy, and chocolate and youth contributed to the production of endorphins. In addition, she danced, rode a bicycle and generally tried to lead the most active lifestyle. During the first two months, I lost about 20 kg. Then, for some more time, the scales began to show 65 kg. This weight was fine for me, but then a great grief happened in our family (my mother died), and in a stressful situation I lost another 10 kilograms, up to 55 kg. And even during the period of struggle with excess weight, I absolutely stopped drinking alcohol. This also turned out to be very important.
Now Maria catches admiring glances on herself.
However, it has long been known that the most difficult thing is not to lose weight, but to keep the weight. And until now, going out into the countryside with a company, I understand that a well-spent weekend will bring a lot of impressions and positive emotions into my life, and one or two extra pounds. And this is inevitable, but you must control yourself. Always! Every minute!
Now I eat absolutely everything, but in moderation. I have never counted calories, I calmly allow myself to eat a freshly baked bun with a glass of milk. But my stomach cannot hold a lot of food, so I eat up very quickly. And thanks to sports, the body has become not only slim, but also fit. Today I am a mother of two wonderful children, and being pregnant with my second child, I understood very well that you need to eat not for two, but for two. As a result, during pregnancy I gained quite a bit, and after the birth of my daughter I got into shape as quickly as possible.
At the moment I weigh 55 kg (+/- 2 kg), and this weight suits me perfectly. I have never made a fetish out of a figure, I don’t exhaust myself with diets, I don’t drink any means for weight loss or dietary supplements, I don’t eat or eat “magic bars” or miracle pills! I just control my appetite, that’s the whole secret.
NOTE! All methods may have contraindications! Consult your doctor.
Continued on pages 2-3
Stanislav Kravets lost 37 kg just playing his favorite game.
– In 2015, digging in the Internet, I learned about one interesting form of outdoor activities – “airsoft”. This is a military tactical game that is held at training grounds outside the city according to a pre-planned game scenario. Participants change into military equipment, are divided into teams and for a certain time in conditions as close as possible to combat, perform tactical tasks, during which they have to enter into armed confrontation with each other and even shoot from pneumatic weapons. Having tried to play once, I realized that I was interested in it. However, I could not even imagine how much the game will change me and my life.
Often, at the first games, people use rental equipment provided by the organizers or airsoft clubs. I certainly wanted to look menacing, cool, intimidating, so I came to the first game with my equipment. It was this decision that influenced further events, because even before the start of the game, I met a company of people who appreciated my zeal and offered to play with them, and after the fourth game they were invited to their team. I willingly agreed and during all this time I have never regretted, because these people have become my real friends, with whom, in every sense of the word, you can go on reconnaissance.
Initially, I considered airsoft as a hobby, which is enough to go a couple of times over the summer. Of course, there was no question of any plans for “losing weight”, because at that moment I still did not know what I was getting myself into. However, having contacted these guys, I became a fan myself! For us, a “well-done game” is when you have to give it SO much that from the very first minutes there is a feeling that you will not return home alive. Therefore, my “Rambo” inside me “died” even in the first game, when, after a sedentary and mostly “sedentary” lifestyle, I had to lift all my 116 kg and give them a powerful shake-up. Then the first three hours of the game seemed like hell – absolutely everything, especially the legs, hurt. But, despite this, I did not quit, but, on the contrary, was inspired: I was full of impressions and emotions.
Now Stanislav looks like a superhero
In airsoft, games are divided by duration. Small ones are held every weekend and, on average, take about three hours. Large ones are held much less often in the season, and in duration they can take from 7 hours to several days. As a rule, these games are also held with night phases, and they have a huge number of participants, sometimes even real military equipment (including heavy armored vehicles) is present.
The first season I spent mainly on small games, because I needed experience and training before big games in order to at least withstand them, because 13-20 hours in equipment, without rest – this is all very exciting and healthy, but quite exhausting even for experienced fighters. And by the middle of summer I began to feel differently; noted that all my clothes were getting too big for me, so my wardrobe had to be changed from size 56 to size 54. At the same time, I did not limit myself in any way in nutrition (and, by the way, I still do not do this). Yes, I practically stopped using sweets and starchy foods, but I do it simply because I don’t want to. But, on the contrary, the body began to demand as much fresh vegetables as possible, especially bell pepper, which I previously could not stand.
In the first summer, I lost 24 kg of excess weight, and by February 2016, when the season ended and we switched to winter training at the gym, my weight was 79 kg. I cannot but note that weight loss alone is not enough to put yourself in order, because a sharp change in weight greatly affects the “proportions” of the body. As a result, I got flabbiness, because the fat was gone, and the skin became like a “rag”. Therefore, in order to get rid of flabbiness, I added a little heavy loads to my workouts – simulators, a barbell, dumbbells for building muscle mass. For a year of training, I managed to give a slight relief to the shoulders and pull up a little. With my muscles, I gained 2-3 kg, and since that time I continue to adhere to a weight of 81-82 kg.
He began to wear clothes several sizes smaller
The second season, as well as the continuation of training in the gym, allowed to “pump” endurance, and after it, legs. I became mobile, mobile and now I could do things that were simply not possible without grunts, creaks and crunches. In addition, physical changes gave me access to other interesting types of outdoor activities and sports, for example, in the winter of 2017, I mastered snowboarding and even managed to ride in the Sheregesh ski resort on difficult tracks, which surprised my colleagues a lot, who invited me there.
I am not an expert, so I will not give advice to anyone on which method of losing weight is better and which is worse. Whether you need a specific diet or not. Maybe you need it. Maybe there really is a method that is much more effective. Everyone chooses for himself what he likes. I do not go on any diets, but simply combined sports and hobby, so in this combination it turned out to be not only interesting for me, but also useful. In two years, I managed to “throw off” excess weight from 116 kg (with an increase of 1,72 m) to 81-82 kg and change my wardrobe from size 56 to 48. There is still a lot of work on myself, but I need it and it is interesting, so I will definitely continue. For myself, I noted – do what you like, the main thing is not to be lazy and not to nail yourself to an upholstered chair or sofa. And then everything will work out!
Julia Primak lost 20 kilograms, starting to lead a group on social networks.
– I have always been a bun, and my life was spent under the slogan of fighting overweight. Dozens of diets did not give a result, and if there was one, it was very short-term, the kilograms returned again! There were tears of despair, I lost heart, I could not accept myself psychologically and physically. To others, I seemed successful and confident, while I was quietly crying into the pillow and finishing the pie. I work as a presenter and from time to time photographers send me pictures from events. How I look in these photos did not suit me at all, I was oppressed by terrible complexes. And, lo and behold, 2 years ago one fine morning I woke up with the thought that I CAN, I WANT and I WILL DO! I will become different! This is where the fun began! I created a page on the social network dedicated to my experiment. I wrote my parameters, changes, recipes, according to which I cooked, uploaded my photos. Complete strangers supported me, told about their stories, shared experiences and asked questions. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems! It is trite, but the main thing in losing weight is precisely the desire and awareness of what you want!
I often post my photos “before” and “after” losing weight on social networks
So. I ate 5-6 times a day, not counting calories and not denying myself anything. I just correctly distributed the diet throughout the day. She ate intuitively, not following any “diets”. And I ate sooo much and certainly did not starve. Apparently, the body itself pushed me to what it needs at the moment. I learned how to cook a million new dishes, even baked cakes and pastries that were no longer on my sides. You will laugh, but even on family holidays I came with my containers and ate my food! I remember how we were sitting with a friend in a cafe. He ate fries, nuggets and other “joys” from my past life, and I … and I my cottage cheese with dried fruits from the container. And I didn’t feel like eating a smoked pork leg or a pork and a half at a time like I used to!
Sport. This is my sore subject. Well, I don’t like him, I confess! However, at the same time, I want to be in harmony with myself and not do through force what does not bring pleasure. As a result, I began to study in a clearing near the house: I did a warm-up, then light jogging, squats, walking. The numbers on the scales were pleasing, the kilograms were melting, I wanted to create, make plans for the future and go forward! In 2,5 months I became 18 kg slimmer. Despite the fact that she was not in a hurry and did not pursue a speedy weight loss. I understood that this is fraught with the fact that I can more than gain all the pounds back. It’s just that my body wanted it so. My great health and state of euphoria was reflected in my work as well: I became even more open, self-confident, more ideas and plans appeared. I heard compliments from relatives, friends, colleagues, passers-by on the street. I began to present myself differently, there was a change in the image, wardrobe, hairstyle. I started to live differently! Has changed not only externally, but also internally. I became kinder to myself. Harmony in the soul works wonders, and this is reflected in all areas of life.
Do not be afraid, change, it is not so difficult, but very nice! In general, my motto is “to change without betraying yourself.” The main thing is not to race with yourself and not scold yourself. Believe me, you can! I believe in it! For example, I am now far from a model, but the quality of my life has improved significantly. My maximum weight was 92 kg, now it is 5 kg. I have been holding the result for almost 72 years. And there are new achievements and changes ahead!