Weight loss before and after history of photo diet how to lose weight
If you can’t bring yourself to go on a diet, be inspired by their example! Woman’s Day talked to fellow countrymen who were able to shed the excess, and learned how they managed to change once and for all.
Up to: 112 kg
After: 51 kg
Result: -61 kg.
Age: 22 years.
What it does: Sales Manager.
The secret of success: low calorie diet + gym.
Weight “before”: 112 kg.
After weight: 51 kg.
Christina: “I began to lose weight a year before the school prom – I was worried that I would not fit into any outfit. First, I gave up fatty and sweet, and also reduced the contents of the plate by half. Weight immediately began to decline. Further – more: I began to count calories, set myself a limit of 1500-1800 per day. My day began with 1,5% fat cottage cheese or porridge on water, coffee without sugar. Dried fruits became the main delicacy. Instead of soups, I drank lean broth, and ate mostly chicken from meat. Rice, buckwheat, kefir, boiled eggs and vegetables have become permanent dishes on my table. In addition, I connected physical activity – a treadmill, strength exercises, gymnastics. I myself did not notice how after 5 months in this regime I lost up to 51 kg – a little more, and I was threatened with anorexia! Subsequently, I even had to gain a few kilograms. But it didn’t spoil the figure! “
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Result: -60 kg.
Age: 30 years.
Profession: masseur.
The secret of success: fractional meals.
Weight “before”: 144 kg.
After weight: 84 kg.
Alexander: “My weight was so critical that I had to seek help from specialists. I took a course of trainings with a psychologist, received recommendations on proper nutrition. It turned out that everything is not so difficult. The main thing is to stick to the system. I ate five times a day, every three hours, and the portions were quite large. My typical breakfast: 100 grams of boiled chicken, vegetables or buckwheat as a side dish. For lunch – low-fat soup without frying, salad dressed with butter, a slice of black bread. A universal formula applies to each meal: 80 g of protein, 100-120 g of carbohydrates, 150-200 g of fiber. But it is better to abstain from fats. With tea, you can afford 10 g of sweet – no more! And during the diet, I gave up alcohol. The effect exceeded all expectations! True, after a while I recovered a little, but losing weight again is no longer a problem. “
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Albina and Dmitry Efremov
Before. Albina – 71 kg, Dmitry – 101 kg
After. Albina – 59 kg, Dmitry – 81 kg
Result: -32 kg (Albina – 12, Dmitry – 20).
Age: Albina – 38, Dmitry – 33.
What do: Albina is a shop assistant, Dmitry is a food sales manager.
The secret of success: the Ducan diet and yoga.
Weight “before”: Albina – 71 kg, Dmitry – 101 kg.
After weight: Albina – 59 kg, Dmitry – 81 kg.
Albina: “Once my dad did not recognize me after a long separation:“ Daughter, how are you fucked up! ” After that, she ran to the gym for yoga with a bullet and in three months lost 7 kg, although she ate everything she wanted. My husband liked the new forms so much that he soon followed me to training. Then they decided to completely change their diet, to give up late dinners, pizza and beer on weekends. We stopped on the Ducan diet. Its “trick” is protein products with a low fat content: beef, chicken, fish, cottage cheese … Every hour they drank a glass of water, added bran to the diet. Carbohydrates, that is, sweets, vegetables, cereals, have been limited. “
Dmitriy: “I would never agree to go on a diet, but this one is good because you can eat anytime and as much as you want. The variety of allowed dishes is amazing: we cooked pancakes and sandwiches for weight loss. Gradually it became a way of life, and now on our table there are only “right” products. “
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Result: -30 kg.
Age: 29 years.
What does: a housewife.
The secret of success: Ducan’s diet + walking.
Weight “before”: 101 kg.
After weight: 71 kg.
Lily: “When, after giving birth, the arrow of the scales exceeded a hundredweight, I decided: it’s time to take up myself! I walked with a stroller for at least an hour a day at a brisk pace. Then a friend advised Pierre Ducan’s nutritional system. Surprisingly, but true: for 8 months on a diet, I have never experienced a feeling of hunger! I had breakfast with bran porridge, cooked diet borsch for lunch, cooked chicken or fish in the oven for dinner. My favorite recipe is mackerel baked with lemon in foil. Over time, the diet expanded, and I began to indulge in various goodies. For example, I love homemade sweets and share this wonderful recipe with everyone: mix 5 tbsp. l. skimmed milk powder, 1 tsp. cocoa and 6 tbsp. l. milk 0,5% fat, add sweetener to taste, put in the freezer overnight. Real jam!”
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Result: -26 kg.
Age: 33 years.
What does: accountant.
The secret of success: Elena Malysheva’s diet + body flex; “System -60”.
Weight “before”: 95 kg.
After weight: 69 kg.
Marina: “Excess weight made it difficult for me to take care of my little daughter, there was constant fatigue. At that time, Elena Malysheva’s diet was actively advertised on TV, and I decided to try it. I ordered a set of ready-made meals for a month – all low-calorie, portions of 200 grams. She ate every four hours, drank 10 glasses of water a day. At the same time, she was engaged in body flex – breathing exercises. The process, albeit slowly, went on. So I held on for 10 months – I threw off the first 10 kg. But when it became completely sick without chocolate, I decided to change the food system. The essence of “minus 60” is that food is absorbed best before 12.00, so you can afford any food. At lunchtime, the first prohibitions appear – sugar, fried, fatty, flour. Dinner is even stricter, with only a few food options to choose from. And the main thing is that after 18.00 you can’t eat at all. But if you “sew” your mouth and stop making forays to the refrigerator at night, the result will certainly please. “
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Result: -24 kg.
Age: 31 year.
What does: a housewife.
The secret of success: “System -60” + training.
Weight “before”: 94 kg.
After weight: 70 kg.
Svetlana: “I decided to transform myself in order to surprise my husband upon returning from a long business trip. Enrolled in the nearest sports club, and disappeared there 5 days a week. I went to all kinds of workouts – fitness, yoga, then to the gym, sauna. In parallel, I mastered the minus 60 system. For breakfast I allowed myself everything – both sweets and flour. For lunch, soup on the principle of separate nutrition – either with meat or potatoes, for the second – stewed, boiled, baked vegetables. For dinner – natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, apples. From the very first days, the weight melted before our eyes – 1,5 kg per week! After 20 lost kg, the process slowed down – it turned out that there is an increase in muscle mass, it is much heavier than fat. But even with the same weight, the dimensions still go away. That is why it is so important not to quit practicing. “
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Result: -20 kg.
Age: 34 years.
What does: manager at a fast food restaurant.
The secret of success: system “minus 60” + shaping.
Weight “before”: 94 kg.
After weight: 74 kg.
Elena: “I decided to lose weight after the girlfriends. First of all, I signed up for shaping and forbade myself hamburgers and sandwiches – although their aroma was drooling at work! But for breakfast I could pamper myself with a slice of cake, however, after the main “correct” dish – whole grain porridge. I dined with soup “with a secret”: when the meat boiled, I drained the water – this way the excess fat and cholesterol were removed. For afternoon tea, I ate a couple of slices of dark chocolate – I read somewhere that at 16.00 pm carbohydrates are absorbed without harm to the waist. I had dinner with stewed cabbage or venigrete, seasoned with yogurt. And once in two weeks she allowed herself to visit and eat something tasty. Then she arranged fasting days on kefir or raw beet juice. The main thing is not to scold yourself, but to love – and then everything will work out! “
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Whose result and weight loss recipe did you like the most?
Kristina Amusova
Alexander Nikishkin
Albina and Dmitry Efremov
Lilia Antonova
Marina Svetlova
Svetlana Lukyashko
Elena Kudrina
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