Weeds from which tasty and healthy dishes are made
Finally, this wonderful time has come – it’s time to graze! Everything you need for a vitamin salad and detox diet grows literally under your feet.
Many novice summer residents are actively trying to get rid of the dream, as it captures plots. But in vain! This herb is rich in vitamin C, organic acids, iron, magnesium, potassium and copper salts. It turns out that she has been revered for a long time. Even the Monk Seraphim of Sarov himself wrote that during the three-month fast he ate despair.
This herb has a light carrot-like aroma and a pleasant taste. Therefore, it can be safely eaten.
For example, like this: wash well, chop and add to salads, side dishes for meat and fish, as well as soups. It goes well with various vegetables and herbs. True, it is better to use young leaves, over time they coarse and become tasteless.
The healing properties of dreaming are also known. For example, the herb infusion has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, improves metabolism and normalizes the liver, eliminating toxins. Fresh leaves promote rapid wound healing.
Dandelion leaf salads are especially beneficial. To get rid of unpleasant bitterness, you can remove the central vein or soak the leaves in brine (1 tablespoon salt per 1 liter of warm boiled water). You can add literally everything that is in the beds to dandelion leaves. If you fill the dish with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, then you can feel the real summer range of tastes.
Dandelion leaf juice, which contains a high concentration of magnesium, sodium, calcium and iron, is also very useful. It boosts immunity, improves skin, teeth and bones and helps detoxify the body. The juice is made like this: the leaves are washed with cold water, then chopped finely, put in a colander and poured over with boiling water. Then it is passed through a meat grinder and squeezed through a dense fabric.
Nettle is one of the most famous and beneficial weeds. Its young leaves contain twice as much vitamin C as lemons. In terms of carotene content, it is equivalent to carrots. Surprisingly, it can match the protein content of legumes. Few people know that this seemingly useless herb can be so nutritious.
Before embarking on culinary experiments, it is necessary to scald the leaves with hot water so that they do not burn. Nettles are great in salads and other vegetable snacks. It goes well with yoghurt, sour cream and mayonnaise. They also eat it with bread: grind it in a blender with cottage cheese and dill, add a little salt and spread it on a sandwich. And how to make nettle soup, read HERE.
I must say that this herb has contraindications. It should not be used by those who have increased blood clotting, atherosclerosis, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as cysts and other neoplasms.
Cucumber herb (borage)
Its main identifying marks are villi, five-petal stars-flowers (from blue to purple) and a bright aroma of fresh cucumbers. Borage is rich in ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamin P, and beneficial minerals. This herb is also famous for its healing properties: it tones up and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Borage leaves have a slightly salty taste and perfectly diversify the taste of salads, side dishes, they even make homemade lemonade. Young leaves and peeled stems are eaten (taste a little softer than cucumbers). Note that light cucumber herb soup is especially popular: chopped onions, potatoes, lemon juice and salt are added to the chicken broth. Borage flowers are used as a decorative decoration of dishes.
It should be remembered that this herb is not suitable for everyone. Pregnant women and with frequent bleeding should beware of it. Also, you cannot add constantly, otherwise it can harm the liver.