Mouth Lock: 17 Foods That Suppress Appetite

Mouth Lock: 17 Foods That Suppress Appetite

Sometimes it happens that you constantly want to chew something. This state is especially familiar to girls during PMS. Is it possible to somehow curb the raging appetite? It turns out you can. And with the help of food.

“I just had lunch, and I want to eat again, it sucks in my stomach,” a colleague complains. And who of us is not familiar with this feeling? It seems that you eat the right food, and the portions are sufficient, but all the time you want to chew something else …

Women in this regard are especially unlucky: the feeling of hunger is strongly influenced by hormones that jump depending on the cycle time. In PMS, it is especially difficult to cope with excessive appetite. But there are ways to cope with hunger, if you slightly change your diet – add foods that suppress appetite to it.

Coffee and green tea

Coffee suppresses appetite due to the antioxidants and caffeine it contains. In addition, it slightly boosts the metabolism and acts as a mild diuretic. Therefore, it is advised to drink it before training. But do not drink more than two cups a day, and also – nullify its effect with cream and sugar. Green tea works in a similar way thanks to the catechin substances – they help keep blood sugar at a stable level, thereby reducing hunger.

Dark chocolate

Not milk, not conditionally dark, but truly bitter chocolate, no less than 70 percent cocoa – it really helps to cope with hunger attacks and suppresses appetite. In addition, it reduces cravings for junk food, and at certain periods of the cycle, you really want to eat some nasty stuff from the nearest fast food! By the way, this is the perfect pair for coffee – together they will perfectly cope with the feeling of hunger.


You can talk endlessly about the benefits of ginger: it has a miraculous effect on digestion, and on immunity, and will charge you with energy, and will help you lose weight – and this is especially valuable. Ginger really has the ability to reduce hunger, and it does not matter in what form it is eaten: in a smoothie or any other drink, as a seasoning for a dish, fresh or pickled, grated or in powder. In addition, it can be grown at home – from a spine bought in a store, for example.  


Ginger, however, is not the only spice that suppresses appetite. Hot and sweet peppers have similar properties, due to the capsaicin and capsiata they contain. These substances increase the feeling of fullness and also help the body burn more calories after eating. Another versatile spice is cinnamon. Wherever you add it, even in coffee, it will do its job, and bouts of hunger will bother you less often. You can read about other spices that help you lose weight HERE.  

Almonds and flaxseeds

Almonds generously provide us with antioxidants, vitamin E, magnesium, and at the same time suppress appetite – this was found out back in 2006. Nuts give you a feeling of fullness and help you control your weight. Therefore, almonds are ideal for a snack – but no more than 10-15 pieces, otherwise it is easy to go over your daily calorie intake, and you will still get better. And flaxseed suppresses appetite due to its high content of fiber and essential fatty acids. There is only one caveat: the seeds need to be crushed properly, as a whole they are not absorbed by the body.


This fruit – yes, the fruit itself – contains a lot of fat. Therefore, you can eat it half a day, no more. But it is due to these beneficial monounsaturated fats that avocados have the ability to suppress appetite. The stomach, meeting with them, sends a signal to the brain that everything is enough, there is enough for us. For a list of other fatty foods that help you lose weight, read HERE.


Many losing weight will now exclaim that apples, on the contrary, are terribly hungry. But do not confuse real hunger with false. Apples can irritate your stomach, especially if you are acidic. This feeling can be easily confused with a bout of increased appetite. But in fact, apples, due to the high amount of fiber and pectin, prolong the feeling of fullness. There is one trick here – the fruit must be chewed very carefully and slowly.


This finding is no longer news: studies have shown that one or two eggs for breakfast can help you feel fuller longer. Those who choose this particular product as their morning meal consume on average 300-350 less calories per day than those who do not eat eggs. By the way, a hard-boiled egg is also a good snack.

Vegetable soup and vegetable juices

Vegetable soup is great for filling, but you consume the minimum amount of calories. And you need a minimum of time to cook it: vegetables are cooked in a matter of minutes. Just try to put potatoes less, after all, starch is not good for losing weight. And vegetable juice, drunk before a meal, acts instantly: scientists have found that after such an “aperitif” people consumed 135 calories less than usual at lunch. But the juice should be without salt.


Protein-rich foods, in principle, have the ability to reduce appetite. In tofu, a substance called isoflavone is responsible for this function – thanks to it, you want to eat less, and the feeling of fullness comes faster. In addition, tofu has relatively few calories, so it will definitely help you lose weight.  


And any other food that’s high in omega-3 fatty acids. Thanks to these acids, the level of leptin, a hormone that suppresses hunger, increases in the body. Therefore, salmon and tuna fish are recommended in all fitness recipes. Let’s reveal a secret: omega-3 fatty acids are also abundant in ordinary herring and some other products – look for the list HERE.


Are you surprised? Yes, we are once again talking about the benefits of real whole oatmeal. It is digested so slowly that next time the feeling of hunger comes in a few hours. This cereal has the ability to suppress the action of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Unless, of course, you add a fair amount of sugar to the porridge. And again, we are talking about oatmeal, and not about instant cereals.

Leafy vegetables

Whether white cabbage or trendy chard and rucola, they all have the same magical effect, suppressing appetite. In addition, they contain a lot of calcium, vitamin C, but very few calories. So green salad is a versatile dish that is extremely beneficial.

Skimmed milk

A glass of skim milk a day can reduce unhealthy food cravings during PMS. So it is useful to introduce such a snack into the diet about a week and a half before menstruation: it has been proven that skim milk helps to give up sweet and simple carbohydrates. However, at any other time drinking it is also not forbidden. But it’s better to go for whole dairy products.  


  • More protein – Food rich in protein helps to stay full longer and eat less in the next meal.

  • Get more fiber – it fills the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness for a long time. Look for fiber rich foods HERE.

  • More water – drink a glass of water half an hour before meals, this will help you get satiated with less food than usual.

  • Avoid liquid diets – nevertheless, liquid dishes and smoothies do not saturate as well as regular food.

  • Take it. small plates и big forks – reducing the size of the dishes will help you to reduce the portions of food without any problems. When it comes to forks: Studies have shown that those who eat with the large fork eat 10 percent less than those who prefer the small forks.

  • Get enough sleep – the less you sleep, the more you eat during the day. Not getting enough sleep can increase your appetite by 25 percent.

  • Do not be nervous – due to stress, the level of cortisol rises, due to which the craving for food increases, especially for unhealthy and sugary foods.  

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