How easy it is to personalize a dresser with a brush and paints.
Alas, wardrobes made us forget about all other storage furniture. Yes, behind their high – from floor to ceiling – doors you can hide any thing. But to find it again … Our designers insist: it’s time to remember such a convenient and roomy item as a chest of drawers!
Children’s dresser for toys
We will need: directly a chest of drawers, white acrylic primer, acrylic paints (whitewash, golden ocher, dark brown, “old gold”), matte acrylic varnish, brushes, a simple pencil, a sponge, letters of the Latin alphabet printed on thin white paper.
Primer is applied to the facades of the boxes with a sponge.
After 10-15 minutes, the surface is treated with a semi-dry brush with stiff bristles.
The printout made on translucent paper is fixed on the facades and used as a stencil – outline the silhouettes of the letters with a simple pencil.
The printout is carefully removed, after which the resulting, but not too obvious “impressions” are carefully outlined with a simple pencil so that the images become clearer.
Images of letters are painted over with a thin brush. The color of the paint is at the discretion of the decorator.
To prevent the paint from getting outside the border of the images, the letters are toned along the edges with an even thinner brush.
The paint is allowed to dry, after which the facades are covered with acrylic varnish in two layers. A four-hour break is taken between the application of the first and second layers. After another day, the chest of drawers is ready for use.
material prepared by Marina Shvechkova, text by Alexey Romanov