Popularly called “bags” under the eyes, darkening and discoloration of the skin appearing on the very delicate skin of the face under the eyes, especially often appear in people with fair skin. The whiter, brighter the complexion, the greater the likelihood of discoloration. Often, however, these discolorations also arise as a result of stress, or for other reasons, information about which we provide below.
When can “bags” appear under the eyes?
- As a result of aging, with age. In some people, this process is more advanced than in others
- If you have a light or even very light complexion
- If you don’t get enough sleep. An adult should sleep about 7-8 hours a day for the most effective functioning
- Discoloration around the eyes can also be the result of various types of allergies
- Dark circles under the eyes can also appear as a symptom of one of many diseases, e.g. nasal congestion, abnormal skin pigmentation or gluten intolerance
- Smoking cigarettes, unfortunately, can also contribute to the formation of dark circles under the eyes. our advice? Quitting smoking, which will also allow you to stay healthy for longer and enjoy more youthful and resilient skin every day
How to deal with dark circles under the eyes?
- Green cucumber can help in a quick and “home” way, without having to leave the house and look for an expensive beautician. It is enough to prepare sliced cucumbers once every two days, and then make an eye mask from them, which is applied for 15-20 minutes a day – preferably in the morning or evening
- Skylight wraps can also be of great help. It eliminates swelling and darkening under the eyes, and at the same time has antibacterial properties
- Algae wraps they can bring the most lasting effect, but at the same time it is a product that is more difficult to obtain in Poland (green cucumbers can be bought in every grocery store). Nevertheless, algae compresses are great for dark circles under the eyes, improving blood circulation in these places. For this reason, the skin will blush slightly, and shadows and blues will disappear once and for all. In addition, such compresses have a regenerating effect on the skin
- Applying the right makeup is also a good way to mask and hide dark circles, tired eyes. It is best to choose a covering foundation adapted to our skin, but above all, it is worth investing in good concealers, whose task is, among other things, to mask shadows under the eyes. Let’s choose the concealer according to the color of our skin, it should be in the same shade or even slightly lighter to brighten these areas of the face more