Watering beets

Watering your beets is important if you want a rich and healthy crop. This root crop loves increased moisture, so it needs to be watered often enough. The most important thing is to follow certain rules. You can also do this with the addition of salt to improve the quality and taste of the fruit.

When thinking about watering frequency, pay attention to weather conditions. If the summer in your area was rainy, then you need to water the plants less often. Despite the fact that beets can withstand short-term droughts, it is necessary to ensure proper watering in order to obtain a rich harvest. At the same time, the amount of water must be balanced.

Watering beets should be balanced, long droughts can affect the quantity and quality of the crop.

Observe the following rules when watering:

  • Water the seedlings once a week.
  • Check the soil moisture level: if the soil is already dry on top, but at a depth of 3 centimeters it is wet, then you do not need to water the beets yet.
  • During the ripening period, 2 or 3 times, arrange abundant watering. With it, you need to achieve soil moisture to a depth of 40 centimeters.
  • Loosen the soil the day after watering.
  • Use a watering can or hose with a nozzle.
  • Stop watering 3 or 4 weeks before harvest. Thanks to this, more sugar will accumulate in the root crop.

In addition to applying water to the soil, remember to fertilize and other necessary care.

In addition to applying water to the soil, remember to fertilize and other necessary care.

Watering with salt is used to improve the quality and taste of the fruit. It also has some rules:

  • Spend it in June and August. This increases the amount of sugar in the root vegetables.
  • To prepare such a solution, take 10 liters of water and add a tablespoon of salt to them. The second time you water the beets with brine, add potash to the soil.

Also, the saline solution is useful for getting rid of pests. With a large number of them, it is better to increase the dose of salt in the solution. After this procedure, the beet tops will be less stale and dry, and the roots themselves accumulate sugar better.

Watering is an important care element during the ripening period. Compliance with the technique and the introduction of the right amount of water have a beneficial effect on the quality of the crop, its taste and size. Nutrient irrigation can be done, and salt can be used to improve the taste and appearance of the tops, as well as to get rid of pests. In addition to observing the soil moisture level, also remember about other components of care.

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