Walnut, like walnut oil, from the point of view of medicine, is a unique plant, all parts of which are endowed with healing properties and can be actively used to treat or prevent a variety of diseases.
The multifaceted talents of this powerful and widespread arboreal, whose fruits are so accustomed to eating, are fully inherent in the base oil extracted from its seeds, one of the most underestimated vegetable oils in the “available” class.
The history of walnut and walnut oil
Many legends are associated with this plant, as well as with the kernels of its fruits. The similarity of the nucleoli to the human brain was praised by Plato, and the Swedish traveler and writer Sven Hedin generally argued that nuts plucked by green ones are alive, they cry and groan pitifully!

Even the legendary Ibn Sin was convinced that there is only one way to grow smarter – to drink oil from walnuts. Due to its ability to produce such a bountiful harvest, the walnut has always been considered a symbol of longevity and abundance; in some countries, the tradition of planting a nut as a kind of dowry in honor of the birth of a child is still preserved.
And in Scotland, according to one of the types of walnuts, white, they determined the threat of spoilage, manifested in the darkening of the fruit.
Composition and characteristics
Oil from walnut kernels is obtained by a simple and absolutely primitive method – pressing without heating from crushed seeds. Its composition is really unusual.
It is this oil that is considered the absolute record holder among the basic ones in terms of vitamin E content, in addition to phosphorus, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, it contains iodine and cobalt, phytosterols, sphingolipids and phospholipids, carotenoids and all “skin” vitamins – from groups B, PP to A, K, C and E.
The composition of the oil is dominated by unsaturated fatty acids, of which more than half of the share is linoleic, one third is oleic, and the remainder is alpha-linoleic and gamma-linoleic acids.

Due to the high content of lysine, the oil has the ability to accelerate and optimize the assimilation of proteins, the combination of the main components elevates the oil from walnut kernels to the rank of the best remedies for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases (especially atherosclerosis) and normalization of metabolism.
Outwardly, this oil is quite liquid, comparable in fluidity to sunflower, while its color is pronounced golden with possible amber overflow. This base oil is stored for only up to 2 years, with full observance of the norms of darkening and tightness.
Used “Greek” oil without preliminary dilution or to enhance specific properties in mixtures, it is suitable as a vehicle for essential oils.
The oil can be taken orally. The aroma is pronounced nutty, the taste is typical for walnut kernels, but softer.
The benefits of walnut oil
Walnut kernel oil is considered one of the best vegetable oils for internal use and can be used as a stand-alone remedy or as a vegetable oil for cold cooking.
The healing properties of a walnut are most pronounced in the role of a stabilizing, normalizing agent. This oil normalizes the immune system, increasing the resistance and general tone of the body, is perfect for the role of the main component for recovery after serious illnesses, return to normal life.

It is believed that the properties of the walnut are most strongly manifested in old age, with hypertension, diabetes, ischemia.
Oil from the kernels of many beloved nuts helps to lower cholesterol levels, with regular use contributes to the complete prevention of the formation of atherosclerotic vascular changes and is a means of long-term normalization of blood cholesterol levels.
Unlike many base oils, it is not contraindicated in hepatitis, including chronic hepatitis, an excellent remedy for the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, the general normalization of metabolism and the treatment of liver diseases, it is also effective for kidney diseases.
It can be used to normalize thyroid function, with worms, acidity, colitis, urolithiasis.
It has a normalizing effect on sexual function and is perfect for nursing mothers. The walnut also effectively manifests itself in the treatment of varicose veins, furunculosis, psoriasis, eczema, tuberculosis.
It is believed that by influencing internal resistance, it also exhibits anti-radiation and anticarcinogenic qualities.

Application in cosmetology
The cosmetic properties of the walnut are less pronounced than the medicinal ones, but they are all irreplaceable. This oil is more effective in caring for aging or severely dry skin, with emollients and anti-inflammatory effects being the most prominent cosmetic properties.
In particular, walnut oil accelerates the healing of cracks and wounds, relieves irritation and inflammation of any etymology. It is one of the base oils for general rejuvenation, by optimizing the absorption of nutrients and normalizing metabolism, it acts as a healing and stabilizing agent that contributes to effective weight loss.
In addition, walnut contributes to an even and aesthetic tan without the risk of sunburn and irritation.
Walnut oil is rarely used for hair care, as well as for nail care – but when combined with more specialized bases, it can be an excellent supplement for very dry hair (occasional use) or a vitamin supplement for cuticle oils.

The only limitation on the possibility of using walnut oil is the active stage of exacerbation of peptic ulcers and gastritis, low acidity. During pregnancy, oil should be used sparingly, preferably taken orally only after the recommendation of a doctor and limited to external use.
Standard dosages of walnut oil:
- for external use in pure form are not limited – for applications or lubrication, massage or rubbing on inflamed areas, you can apply in the required amount;
- for a mixture with other base oils, usually in equal proportions;
- for dissolving essential oils and essential mixtures – standard 3-5 drops of aromatic oil per 10 g of walnut or a mixture with it;
- inside take a teaspoon up to 3 times a day, without necessarily drinking it and exclusively before meals (optimally – half an hour, for children from one year old – up to 3-5 drops, from three to six years old – up to 10 drops, from ten years old – half a teaspoon, and after 14 in a normal amount);
- an alternative method for the treatment of tuberculosis, hypertension or atherosclerosis is a single dose with honey in the same amount;
- to cleanse the body, normalize the work of the stomach and thyroid gland, the oil can be taken at night (in the same quantities).