Voronezh primroses: the name of the flowers
“Look at those blue ones, but here the“ dogs ”are yellowish. How purple smells! ” Ha! Amaze the participants of the hike to the spring forest with your knowledge, let them hear from you: “Under your feet is a crested crested bird, an anemone and a scrub.”
Woman`s Day visited the spring forest with florist Alexandra Komarova. She told what plants can be found in Voronezh now. Admire for yourself!
Voronezh residents call the scaffolds snowdrops
Small blue flowers on slender stems that are often confused with snowdrops. Another name for Proleski is scilla. It belongs to the so-called ephemeroid plants, which, after flowering in April for 15–20 days, disappear until the next spring.
The plant got this name because of the bizarre shape of the flower. In nature, Corydalis are quite unpretentious. They are frost-resistant, not damaged by diseases and pests, bloom in early spring, when there are still few plants that please the eye.
It blooms early, immediately after the snow melts. It grows well, forming yellow islands in the still empty and gray forest. Prefers rather dry soils and sunny meadows.
The scientific generic name Pulmonaria comes from the Latin pulmo – “lung” (pulmonalis – “lung”) and is associated with the medicinal properties of this plant. It is usually used for pulmonary diseases. Another name for lungwort is associated with the fact that the flowers of this plant contain a lot of nectar.
Anemones have interested flower growers in the Middle Ages with their grace, tenderness and responsiveness during cultivation.
This plant appears in early spring, therefore the people call the goose onion a yellow snowdrop. And also, as soon as this grass appears in the forests, flocks of migratory geese return to their homeland.
Bloom in early May. The British called this spectacular plant “fern peony”. By the way, Vorontsov are considered to be a landmark of the Kamensky District, where the Vorontsovaya Rus festival has been held for several years. It got its name in honor of the flowers.
This plant is beautiful but poisonous. The marigold belongs to the buttercup family and, like many of its relatives, contains the dangerous substance protoanemonin. That is why the marigold in the old days was called the snake-grass.
As soon as this plant is not called: cornflower, and vymyanukha, and hernial grass, and cat eggs, and infant grass, and heart grass, and zosulka. Violet edging is widely used in medicine. Decoctions and infusions of this herb are prescribed for pulmonary tuberculosis, scrofula, jaundice, hernia, convulsions, spasmophilia, cough, hoarseness, rhinitis and other diseases.
This perennial plant prefers moist soils, so the peel can often be found near streams, rivers and ditches. In April, the spring peel is still hardly noticeable, but in May the plant will be decorated with bright yellow flowers.
Few people know, but in translation from Latin this plant is called coughlegon. Since ancient times, the leaves of coltsfoot have been used as a cough suppressant. In the UK, for example, even today, every pharmacy sells lollipops with coltsfoot extract.
On the next page, you will learn how to please the interior with a spring composition without offending nature.
Phytodesign specialist Tatyana Zabrovskaya told what kind of bouquet can be taken out of the forest.
– I love to tinker with flowers. They, like a person, need care and attention. Primroses cut with a knife will wither on the second day. And if they are dug up by the roots and planted in a cup, then they will delight us for several weeks. In this case, the plants must be dug out with their native soil. Forest flowers require good moisture, so choose bowls without holes, ordinary plastic napkin bowls or salad bowls, which can be bought for 20 rubles, are ideal. Watering primroses should be abundant, two to three times a day. Today, living decoration is in vogue. Roses in a film are a thing of the past. Flowers are decorated with branches and bark. I like to decorate bouquets with an accordion-folded newspaper. Everything should look natural. Original bouquets are obtained from strawberries, moss, pine branches, wood, bark, budra (catnip), barberry leaves. The main thing is to show imagination.