Vitamins that … warm

The most important for health in winter are vitamins: A, vitamins of group B, as well as E, C and P.

1. Many have heard that in winter it is necessary to take vitamin C, but most forget about it “before the first cold.” And although the “horse” dose of vitamin C really helps to get back on your feet quickly, it’s much more pleasant than recovering quickly – just not getting sick! The word “antioxidant” is fashionable these days, but for some reason it sometimes seems that it is an ingredient in some exotic and expensive fruits and vegetables. But no, vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant, no worse than others, and also an immunomodulator: it protects against colds and premature aging of the body. So obvious, familiar – and so effective!


Taking background doses of vitamin C in tablets or lozenges daily (usually 75-90 mg is recommended) is commonplace, but 100% correct advice for the whole winter! If for some reason you are “against pills” – no one bothers to drink rose hips daily or just eat fresh fruits and vegetables rich in this vitamin.

1. Rosehip (dried) – 1200 mg;

2. Sweet pepper (red), fresh – 470 mg;

3. Brussels sprouts (fresh) – 120 mg;

4. Dill, cheremsha (greens) – 100 mg;

5. Kiwi (fresh fruit, pulp) – 71-92 mg.

A well-known source of vitamin C, oranges contain about 60 mg of the vitamin per 100 g of product. Not so much, but it is easy to calculate that 200 g of oranges per day more than meets the daily requirement of an adult for this important vitamin! It’s simple, fast, and you can afford it.

Vitamin C is also quite available these days in the form of tablets or chewable lozenges, but obtained not “from a test tube”, but from fruits and vegetables.

2. Vitamins of group B help not only from the “cold” on the lips, but also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and metabolic processes, maintain male potency in good condition, and are especially useful in winter – because. prevent colds! For this, B vitamins can be called the second most important after vitamin C. In addition – although this is a long and widely known fact – we still do not forget that vitamin B12 is critically important for vegans and vegetarians to maintain blood health.


Supplements with B vitamins are easy to get, both “wholesale and retail”, i.e. both individually and as a group. Vitamins B1, B6, B9 (as well as PP, C and other useful substances) are found in walnuts, the norm is 3 whole walnuts per day for an adult (it is better to buy unpeeled, in shell: it is safer and more hygienic). Ginger not only contains vitamin B9, but also warms in winter: you can buy a fresh root and rub it into drinks (non-alcoholic mulled wine, tea, ginger with lemon, etc.), as well as add it to food (for example, in dishes like “sabzhi” and “curry”).

3. From modern commercials, one can erroneously conclude that vitamin E (tocopherol) is useful specifically for the skin, tk. allegedly “prevents her aging” and so on and so forth. This is not far from the truth, but the main thing to know in winter is that vitamin E protects the entire body from colds and infections! This is due to its antioxidant effect on cell membranes: it improves the uptake of oxygen by cells, makes cells “breathe” better. 

1. Almonds – 24.6 mg;

2. Hazelnut * – 24 mg;

3. Peanuts* – 10.1 mg;

4. Pistachios* – 6 mg;

5. Cashew* – 5.6 mg.

*Nuts (except almonds) can be soaked overnight for better absorption and then ground into a paste with a blender. Can be added to smoothies!

By the way, fish and seafood contain much less (less than 2 mg100 g) amount of vitamin E than nuts.

4. vitamin P (it is also called “rutin”, or referred to by the common name “bioflavonoids”) – is also very useful, and also participates in the reactions of oxidation and reduction of cells. What’s more, if you often get nosebleeds in the winter, regular intake of normal doses of vitamin P is the right solution to this unpleasant problem.

1. Fresh citrus fruits (especially the white layer of the peel and interlobular parts. There is a lot of evidence that citrus peel, but the hostess must also remember that fruits are often treated with toxic chemicals during storage!);

2. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, cherries, chokeberries (berries in winter have to be taken dried, or “shock industrial” freezing. Unfortunately, even with household “home” freezing, vitamin P is completely lost from berries);

3. Rosehip decoction;

4. Green tea (and natural coffee);

5. Green leaf lettuce.

The exact amount of vitamin P is sometimes difficult to establish, and its norm is not formally fixed (although it is believed that it is somewhere in the range of 25-50 mg in essence for an adult).

From vegetables, there is a lot of vitamin P in cabbage, tomatoes and parsley. And also a significant amount of it is contained in buckwheat (it is better to consume green “raw food” – just soak it in water overnight). During heat treatment, a significant part of vitamin P is lost, therefore it is “friendly” to raw foodists, and to those who eat fresh fruits, incl. citrus.

As you already understood from this material, in winter it is important not only to dress well and drink warm water, herbal infusions, rose hips and hot (but not strong!) Drinks, but also to eat food rich in vitamins. And this is by no means boiled potatoes rice vegetables, but for the most part – all the same our favorite fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables. Be healthy!

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