Plant pollen contains over 200 different nutrients. This culinary trend has already been appreciated by many foreign film and pop stars. For example, Victoria Beckham believes that the merit of her beautiful appearance is precisely bee pollen.
Pollen or bee pollen is the same pollen that bees extract to make honey from it. The bee sits on the bud, collects dust particles, and then processes them with its saliva, pressing them into small, soft lumps.
Pollen can be of different colors – it depends on which plant the bee took it from. The color ranges from light yellow to pale purple. The smell of pollen is always rich, floral, but the taste is practically absent. All this allows you to use pollen in various dishes and give them an unusual color.
Bee pollen contains many amino acids, steroids, nucleic acids, 30 micro- and macroelements, vitamins of group B, C, D, P, K, E, phospholipids, phenolic compounds, natural antibiotics.
Bee pollen improves the immune system, energizes, and allows you to recover faster from illness. Eating small amounts of pollen helps improve brain function.
Bee pollen has a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair, skin, therefore it is indispensable in cosmetology.
Bee pollen comes in two forms. The most common is dried and packaged pure pollen. This powder is intended for dry ingestion. But such pollen quickly loses its beneficial properties.
Better to give preference to bee pollen in honey compositions. Such pollen retains its useful properties for much longer and does not deteriorate. The daily dose of bee pollen is 10-15 grams. This is approximately one heaped dessert spoon.
Be healthy!
Recall that earlier we talked about the new honey, which was collected exclusively by robots, and also talked about whether honey replaces sugar well.