Vegetovascular dystonia: causes of the disease. Video
Vegetovascular dystonia is an ailment that, according to various experts, affects 20 to 30% of the population, and women are more susceptible to it. Such a common enemy should be known by sight, so that at the first signs of this disease in you or your loved ones, you can take action.
Vegetosovascular dystonia
Vegetovascular dystonia is a disorder of the cardiovascular system, which is the result of a disorder in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems. The disease has multiple clinical manifestations, which often do not coincide in different patients.
Only the following general features can be distinguished:
- meteosensitivity
- improving the condition while distracting attention from negative symptoms
- increased anxiety during seizures
Although vegetative-vascular dystonia does not have negative consequences for the body, it does not end in death and does not worsen over time, patients, and especially young ladies with VSD, become suspicious and suffer not only from the pathologies present – constant fatigue, insomnia, headaches and pain in the heart, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, memory impairment, but also from invented diseases, the symptoms of which they learned in a medical reference book or learned from a friend. Such persons actually begin to feel pain uncharacteristic for VSD.
Causes of vegetative vascular dystonia
There are two reasons for the occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia: it is a hereditary predisposition and poor socio-economic living conditions. The second point includes constant stress, insufficient time for rest, lack of vacation, unrelenting feeling of tension, regular conflicts with colleagues, family and friends.
Prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia
Those who want to avoid the appearance of vegetative vascular dystonia or to minimize the manifestation of symptoms should be engaged in the prevention of this disease. Since the main medicine that can cope with the disease is an interesting business that absorbs all the attention, it makes sense to have a hobby.
Sewing and crocheting, cycling, growing indoor flowers, skydiving – any activity will do if it brings positive emotions
Girls who want to prevent the development of VSD need to balance their diet by including all the necessary vitamins and minerals in it. A hobby for oriental breathing exercises, herbal medicine will be useful. You should also follow the daily routine.
Sleep and rest can be adjusted individually, but must be followed daily.
Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia
If some preventive measures are not enough, the patient is prescribed medication for vegetative vascular dystonia. As a rule, it includes the use of antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives, calcium antagonists, analgesics. It is advisable to combine medication with psychotherapy.
The main rule is that a qualified specialist should be engaged in the selection of a treatment course.