Pregnancy and specific diet: how to keep a nutritional balance?
You have removed gluten
“Gluten free” or “no gluten” diets are on the rise. Many people who say they are sensitive to gluten choose to ban this protein from their menus. And future mothers are no exception to this fashion! Gluten is found almost everywhere: in cereals (wheat, barley, oats, rye), but also in many preparations (sauces, cold meats, prepared meals) where it is used as an additive. As our dietitian points out, gluten-free foods are poor in group B vitamins and essential minerals, and unless you are really intolerant and suffer from celiac disease (inflammatory damage to the membrane of the small intestine), this diet can cause deficiencies and weight problemsor even, in the long term, eating disorders. Pregnant women who do not absorb gluten should consider rebalancing their menus and avoid vitamin and mineral deficiency with supplements prescribed by the doctor.
You have given up on meat and fish
No worries ! A vegetarian diet, excluding any food derived from animal flesh, is perfectly capable of meeting the nutritional needs of pregnancy., provided you know how to balance and vary your diet. It concerns first of all the contributions in amino acids, which intervene in various functions of the body on a daily basis. Eight of them are essential, and the body not knowing how to manufacture them, they must necessarily be provided by food, in this case proteins. However, their proportion differs depending on the origin of the protein.
Legumes and cereals: the winning mix
To compensate for the lack of essential amino acids provided by animal proteins and to have their quota, future vegetarian mothers can combine different meals with legumes (white beans, red beans, chickpeas, lentils) and cereals (semolina, rice, pasta, bread, etc.). Quinoa, seeds, oleaginous fruits are also valuable allies, as are eggs or dairy products. Do not deprive yourself of it. On the other hand, put the pedal soft on soy, yet very rich in lysine. The National Health Nutrition Program recommends limiting its consumption, as well as that of foods containing it, to one per day because of their phytoestrogen content. In terms of quantity, you will need a protein bonus (there is 900 g for the whole pregnancy). You should know that in our country, we reach, even we happily exceed these quantities!
A risk of iron deficiency
Also be vigilant about your iron intake. Because, for once, your needs are doubled! A lack of iron favors the occurrence of maternal anemia. On the baby side, insufficient reserves increase the risk of prematurity. However, even if the intestinal absorption of iron increases during pregnancy, the food ration is rarely sufficient to cover the needs. And all the more for future vegetarian mothers. Indeed, the best sources of iron are found in red meats, organ meats and fish. While fruits, vegetables (spinach … no offense to Popeye!), Pulses, cereals and dairy products contain less and in a form more difficult to absorb by the body. To promote assimilation, consume these foods with a simple squeeze of lemon juice, rich in vitamin C. Conversely, avoid drinking tea with meals as it blocks its absorption, as are certain fibers and foods rich in calcium, as well as coffee and cocoa. A blood test lets you know where your reserves are. Too low? Your doctor will suggest that you strengthen them with treatment in the form of tablets.
You have banned all animal products
Le vegan diet (or vegan if it also excludes non-food animal products) – which also eliminates eggs and dairy products – is at greater risk of deficiency. At the start of your pregnancy, tell your midwife or doctor. Because you must be particularly vigilant concerning certain contributions.
Watch out for calcium …
During pregnancy, the intestinal absorption of calcium increases to meet the baby’s needs (around 30 g are needed to build his skeleton). If the calcium intake is insufficient, it will be necessary to draw on your bone reserve. When calcium is not provided by dairy products and cheeses, it is found in certain mineral waters: Contrex®, Hépar®, Vittel®, Salvetat®, Courmayeur® or Rozana®, which contain more than 150 mg / liter . Just like in the different kinds of cabbage, spinach, almonds, walnuts or sesame. To maintain your bone density, also focus on parsley, kiwi or oranges. Watch your vitamin D intake (it helps fix calcium). The “vegans” can only build up their stock by going in the sun (walks, outdoor sports) since they do not eat fish. But often this is not enough. Most expectant mothers, even omnivores, are deficient in winter and early spring. In practice, to compensate for this lack, a single dose of 100 IU of vitamin D is prescribed at the beginning of the 000th month.
… and vitamin B12
Also pay attention to deficiencies in vitamin B12, only provided by food of animal origin (meat, shellfish, fatty fish, cheese, milk, eggs, etc.) and whose needs are increased. A deficit can be the cause of anemia, or even neurological damage in the most severe cases. It is also involved as a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions. This is why supplementation is essential: in the form of a food supplement or fortified foods (yeast, rice drink). Talk to your doctor or midwife. A weak point also for zinc, a trace element essential for development and fetal growth. When you are pregnant, your needs are skyrocketing and a deficit can lead to complications. However, the zinc taken from the vegan diet (whole grains, legumes, pecans, ginger, etc.) is generally less well absorbed by the body. To guarantee your capital, a little extra in the form of supplementation can be recommended as soon as you want to have a child.