Today, a wide variety of varieties of zucchini of domestic and foreign selection have been bred, differing in shape, taste of fruits, ripening period, so it is rather difficult to choose the best ones from them. When purchasing zucchini seeds for open ground, you should pay attention, first of all, not to the physical properties of the variety, but to its ability to grow in certain climatic conditions. Zucchini is a thermophilic culture, and the development and fruiting of the culture depends on adaptation to the cold.
The best domestic varieties
If we compare zucchini of domestic and foreign varieties, then the main difference is that the seeds of zucchini of domestic selection despair of high frost resistance – they can be planted not only in the Moscow region, but even in northern latitudes, where summer is short and cold. It is also important that domestic vegetables also surpass foreign hybrids in terms of taste and vitamin content.
Of course, it is not possible to describe all varieties of zucchini of domestic selection, but if you single out the best and most stable of them, the list will be as follows:
- Amber. It is considered the most unpretentious for open ground. Refers to early varieties – bears fruit in 40 days from the date of sowing. The fruits are medium-sized, cylindrical, light green in color, the pulp is tender and juicy. Mature fruits reach a weight of 1 kg, and at the same time do not lose their taste. Easily tolerates cold and transportation. Versatile – suitable for cooking any dishes and preparations.
- Gribovsky 37. A very popular variety, characterized by early maturity and good fruiting. The fruits are whitish, smooth, slightly ribbed. Resistant to cold and disease, stored for a long time.
- Zebra. Early ripe zucchini (fruits in 38 days) with a high yield. Resistant to all weather conditions, grows equally well in greenhouses, greenhouses and open ground. The fruits are long, slightly curved, of a rather interesting color – dark green stripes alternate with light green. Due to the dense peel, it is well transported, resistant to cold, but susceptible to putrefactive diseases.
- Tsukesha. Another early ripe variety of zucchini. The fruits are compact, intense dark green color with white, juicy pulp. Resistant to cold and putrefactive diseases, successfully grown in the Moscow region and the entire middle zone.
- Beluga. Mid-season, but very productive variety, bred by Altai breeders. Immunized against putrefactive bacteria and powdery mildew, easily tolerates low temperatures. The fruits are cylindrical, mature are white in color, young are greenish. The pulp is juicy, sweetish.
- Waterfall. Another early ripe representative of zucchini. The fruits are small (up to 500 g), smooth, long, uniform dark green color. The pulp is white, medium density. Resistant to fungal diseases and cold, has a long fruiting period (60 days).
- Moor. Early ripe (ripens after 40 days) variety, also related to zucchini. Included in the list of the most productive zucchini cultivated in the regions of the Moscow region and the entire middle lane. The fruits are long, large (1-1,2 kg), very dark in color with a hard skin. They are stored for a long time, transported well, resistant to putrefactive bacteria.
- Aeronaut. Early ripe (ripening occurs in 45-50 days) representative of zucchini. Zucchini is long, dark green, sometimes even brownish in color, the flesh is light, juicy. The variety is universal – suitable for open ground and greenhouses.
- Karam. It belongs to high-yielding and early-ripening varieties – the first crop ripens in 35-40 days. The fruits are even, cylindrical, white or pale green in color with a slight ribbing at the base. The pulp is tender, sweetish, with a slight melon aroma. The bushes are compact, blooms in inflorescences, from which 3-5 zucchini are formed simultaneously.
- Negro. A very high yielding variety of zucchini with medium weight (500-1000 g) fruits. Zucchini are long, slightly ribbed, very dark green, almost black. The pulp is yellowish, juicy, having reached technical maturity, it is well transported and can lie for a long time.
Yellow zucchini are especially popular with gardeners. These varieties of zucchini have a surprisingly delicate, sweet taste when young, and are also suitable for almost all dishes and preparations.
From domestic, the following yellow varieties of zucchini can be distinguished:
- Yellow-fruited. Mid-season and long-bearing variety (up to 90 days). The fruits are long, slightly ribbed, bright yellow-orange in color. Commercial maturity occurs at a weight of 700 g, but even two-kilogram zucchini retain their taste.
- Golden. An early maturing variety of yellow zucchini with a fairly high yield. The fruits are long, even, intense yellow or bright orange in color, with an average weight of up to 1 kg. The plant is compact, resistant to cold and powdery mildew.
- Helena. Early ripe (42 days) zucchini with bright yellow fruits. The flesh is light yellow, with a delicate and light sweetish taste. Plants are demanding on watering and lighting, have good immunity to diseases.
Lovers of something new and original can be advised round zucchini. These varieties of zucchini are really round in shape, and in appearance they resemble a small pumpkin with a taste of zucchini. These hybrids come in a variety of bizarre forms, and due to their decorativeness and compactness, they can be used very widely, both in cooking and as a decorative element.
Almost all round zucchini are suitable for open ground, but in the conditions of the middle lane, the following are most often grown:
- Ball. An early ripe variety with spherical fruits similar to an unripe pumpkin. The fruits are compact (up to 500 g), striped green color. The pulp is white, soft, very juicy. Young fruits weighing 100-150 g are of particular value in cooking – they are stuffed, stewed, and even marinated whole.
- F1 Festival. A very original round variety with an unusual color of fruits that look like a decorative pumpkin. The zucchini themselves are compact (up to 600 g), the peel is striped with alternating stripes of white, black, greenish and yellow hues.
- Orange F1. Another representative of round zucchini. The fruits are small (200-300 g) bright orange intense color. They have a high nutritional and culinary value – they are used for stuffing, preparing snacks and blanks.
Video “How to choose a zucchini from the whole variety”
An informative video that will help with the choice of a particular type of fruit plant.
The best foreign varieties
In the southern regions, where the summer is long and warm, you can choose hybrid varieties of zucchini of foreign selection for open ground. The peculiarity of these zucchini is that they have a fairly long growing season – it takes more time for them to fully ripen. But at the same time, foreign hybrids have some advantages: they have a thinner skin and tender flesh, and they can be left on the bush for a long time without fear that they will outgrow.
When choosing the best varieties of zucchini of foreign selection for planting in the garden, you should give preference to the most adapted types:
- Iskander. Early ripe (40-45 days) and phenomenally productive variety of Dutch selection – 17 kg can be harvested from one bush. The fruits are medium-sized (500-600 g), not prone to overgrowing. The color of the peel is pale green or cream, the surface is smooth, slightly ribbed. The culture is resistant to diseases, has a great mild taste.
- Genovese. Early ripe (35-40 days) hybrid of Italian selection. Domestic breeders have been adapted to the conditions of the middle lane. It has a high yield, resistant to bacteriosis and powdery mildew. Versatile – suitable for growing in the garden and in the greenhouse.
- White Bush. Early ripe (40 days) representative of the Danish selection. Zucchini are even, cylindrical, with a smooth white surface, however, young fruits may have a greenish color. The pulp is tender, creamy in color with a slight sweetish aroma. The variety is resistant to diseases, can be stored for some time.
Among the yellow varieties of foreign selection, the following types of zucchini have proven themselves well:
- Yasmin. Mid-early high-yielding hybrid of Japanese selection. The fruits are elongated, with a smooth surface of a bright yellow color. The pulp is yellowish and sweet due to the high content of carotene. It has a long (up to 60 days) period of fruiting. Fruits reach technical maturity at a length of 20-25 cm. Resistant to diseases and putrefactive flora.
- Gold. Early ripe and highly productive hybrid with showy bright orange fruits. Adult zucchini grow to a length of 50 cm and a weight of 2-3 kg without losing their taste, but young fruits 20-25 cm long are still considered the most delicious. The pulp of zucchini is tender, creamy with a high content of sugar and carotene. Fruits are well stored and transported.
- Gold Rush. Early ripe (45 days) and quite productive hybrid of the Dutch selection. The fruits are small (180-200 g) with a smooth surface of bright orange color. The flesh is creamy, juicy and sweet.
Exotic lovers can experiment with zucchini, which are popularly called “spaghetti”. The pulp of these vegetables during heat treatment is divided into long fibers, good for pasta. Of the most famous, the Spaghetti Raviolo variety can be distinguished – it is a mid-season hybrid with elliptical fruits of white or yellowish color. To obtain a tasty fibrous pulp, picking zucchini is recommended after they have reached their full maturity and become yellow in color.
Video “Tips for growing zucchini”
Demonstrative video with practical recommendations for growing zucchini, which will help in the care of any variety and type.
Смотрите это видео на YouTube
Author: Svetlana Galitsina