Useful cooking habits of different countries

These culinary habits of different countries must be taken into consideration. They will help keep the shape normal, improve digestion and mood. But taking care of your health is the absolute priority.

Lunch is the most nutritious, France.

The French like to snacks, for that they have in abundance, delicious cheeses, fresh baguettes, and other savory snacks. But few people know that dinner for the French is sacred. Dinner and Breakfast may be small, but the day this nation is fed a balanced way.

Useful cooking habits of different countries

Best food – soup, Japan

The Japanese love rice, soup in their diet is in a special place. The Japanese eat soup not only for lunch or dinner but also for Breakfast. Their soups are light and consist of wholesome ingredients, which include soy products. According to the Japanese, this food improves digestion, especially foods with the use of fermented products.

Olive oil, the Mediterranean

Residents of the Mediterranean countries use olive oil in large quantities. Such doses help prevent the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases. Olive oil can not only make salads but also cereal and to cook with its use desserts.

Useful cooking habits of different countries

Meat with seasonings, China

In China, they like meat dishes but prepare them not fresh. The Chinese add the meat a lot of different vegetables, sauces, spices, sweet fruit. It seems incongruous ingredients gives the meat a spicy taste and digest it much better.

Redfish, Scandinavia

Redfish is very useful. Its composition contains polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, which participate in all important processes in the human body. These are the inhabitants of the Nordic countries, including fish in your diet almost daily.

Useful cooking habits of different countries

Grains and legumes, Mexico

The spicy cuisine of this country consists mostly of beans and grains. It’s beans, corn, and other delicious foods. These ingredients relieve the stress on the gastrointestinal tract, give a sense of fullness and vigor for a long time.

Fiber, African countries

In African countries, plant a food-based diet. It is cereals, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Such a large amount of fiber in the diet helps avoid cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, colon cancer, and other ailments.

Useful cooking habits of different countries

Dry red wine, Sardinia

There are many centenarians on the island, and considerable merit of this is attributed to the consumption of dry red wine. However, this drink in the daily diet should include very moderate. Grape wine is a valuable source of antioxidants, protecting the body from premature aging.

Nuts as a snack, USA

America can not boast of healthy food, but it was there born female ideas healthy snacking. Nuts there are very popular as a healthy and nutritious snack. It is a source of important vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, and fashion came into our country.

Useful cooking habits of different countries

Food with love, Latin America

Residents of countries in Latin America prefer to eat in a circle of loved ones. It’s a particularly common feast. Food – a reason to gather around the table and socialize with family and friends. At the table is simply impossible to overeat, and in a good mood, it promotes better food assimilation.

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