All childhood they kept us in strictness. They did not take their eyes off us and, as it seems to us, they literally “choked” us with control. The idea that mothers should be thanked for such education seems absurd, and yet that is exactly what one should do.
They want to know what we do, what we are interested in, where we go and who we communicate with. They insist that you need to study well, be obedient and exemplary. At 8 years old, this does not bother, but at 15 it begins to tire.
Perhaps in adolescence, you perceived your mother as an enemy. They were angry at her for swearing, for not letting her go for a walk, forcing her to wash dishes and take out the trash. Or considered too strict for the fact that she sought to control everything, and envied friends who had «cool» parents …
If, after another quarrel, you again heard: “You will thank me later!” Get ready to be surprised — the mother was right. This conclusion was made by British scientists from the University of Essex. As part of the study, they found that girls who were raised by «intolerable» mothers are more successful in life.
What to thank mom for
Scientists compared the education received by children and what they achieved in life. It turned out that the children of strict mothers entered the best universities and received higher salaries compared to those who were allowed to do everything in childhood. Girls who were held in tight rein as children rarely find themselves unemployed. In addition, they are less likely to have children and start families at a too young age.
Mothers who have studied hard themselves are more likely to invest in their children’s education. One of their main tasks is to inspire the child with a desire to go to college. And they understand why this is done.
In addition, a relatively strict upbringing teaches the child not to repeat the mistakes made by parents, to correctly assess the consequences of the actions taken and to be responsible for their decisions, words and deeds. Did you recognize yourself and your mother in the description? It’s time to thank her for what she taught you.
You have achieved a lot, including due to cases when your mother “tied you hand and foot”, forbidding you to go to discos or walk out late. Her strictness and straining integrity in some situations made you a strong, independent and self-confident woman. Instilled values that seemed harsh and old-fashioned in childhood can still help you, although you may not always realize it.
So try not to criticize your mother for what you think she did wrong. Yes, it was not easy for you, and it is worth recognizing. However, this “medal” has a second side: connivance would definitely not make you such a strong person as you have become.