Typical dishes of Castilla-La Mancha that are worth preparing

Typical dishes of Castilla-La Mancha that are worth preparing

Anyone who has read El Quijote, or visited Castilla-La Mancha, knows that this region is one of the richest in the country in gastronomy.

For this reason, from Food Service Magazine, we have decided to compile some of the most valued traditional dishes both by the Castilian-Manchegos and by everyone who has ever enjoyed the simple but delicious (and usually forceful) dishes of the community.

In addition, in this time of confinement, in many cases since we cannot travel to those places to taste them either because of perimeter closures, or because of hospitality closures, it is a good time to throw ourselves the stoves.

We see all these dishes, below:

1. Migas from La Mancha

How could it be otherwise, the first of the typical dishes of Castilla-La Mancha that we compile in this post are the migas from La Mancha. Although in Spain we know many types of crumbs, since in each region they are prepared in a way, those of this community are one of the most prominent.

We refer to the stale bread crumbs, made in a sauce with garlic and pork products. This dish, typical of shepherds, is usually accompanied by grapes and even topped with eggs.

2. Pisto manchego

In second place, we highlight the Manchego pisto. This dish, like the previous one, is made in different ways in every corner of the country. However, that of this community, Although it was usually prepared in the sauce of peppers and tomato, today it includes, at a minimum, onion, garlic and zucchini.

3. Garlic soups

The third dish that we highlight is the garlic soups, known in the area as Castilian soup. This delicious dish, unlike the previous ones, is anything but overwhelming, and It is usually served with eggs, mixing the white on one side and adding the raw yolk last.

4. Gazpacho or Manchego gazpachos

Before explaining what ingredients the Manchego gazpacho contains, we anticipate that it is not exactly similar to Andalusian. In fact, both dishes are quite different.

Manchego gazpacho is a bread made without yeast and crunchy. And, the most characteristic of this are the cenceñas cakes that are added chopped together with the rest of the ingredients once the dish is prepared.

In this way, it allows practically all the broth to be absorbed, thus leaving a tender texture full of flavor.

5. Atascaburras

And, finally, it is worth highlighting the one known as atascaburras. And you will wonder, Is that his real name? As strange as it may seem, the reality is that it is. In fact, just a couple of months ago we published an article highlighting Spanish dishes with weirder names. And, of course, among these, was the atascaburras.

HoweverWhat exactly does this Manchego dish consist of? Basically, it is a cod with potatoes, consumed mainly in the coldest places.

In addition to these 5 Castilian-Manchego dishes, We cannot fail to mention others such as the asadillo from La Mancha, the partridges a la Toledo or the lamb stew.

However, if you visit Castilla-La Mancha, don’t forget to enjoy these delicious traditional dishes. And, as usual, we remember that you can find many more posts like this in our blog.

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