
Education is a huge whole world with many directions, types and forms.

Raising children is different from raising employees and other adults↑. Civil and patriotic education is different from religious or moral education, education is different from re-education, and self-education is a very special area. In terms of goals, style and technology, traditional and free education, male upbringing and female upbringing, differ ↑.

It is often written that education is a purposeful activity designed to form in children a system of personality traits, attitudes and beliefs. It seems that education as a purposeful activity is not all education, but only one of its varieties, and not even its most characteristic variety. All parents raise their children in one way or another, despite the fact that not many adults are capable of purposeful activities outside of work. They raise their children, but not purposefully, but randomly and chaotically.

Supporters of free education sometimes put forward the thesis that education is rather evil, that only education is good for children. “Education, as the deliberate formation of people according to known patterns, is fruitless, illegal and impossible. There is no right to educate. Let the children know what is their good, therefore let them educate themselves and follow the path that they choose for themselves. (Tolstoy). One of the reasons for such a view is that the authors of such positions do not distinguish between necessary, sufficient and risky education.

Usually, upbringing means open and direct upbringing — directed upbringing. You know very well what it looks like: the parents called the child, put it in front of them and told him what was good and what was bad. And so many times… Yes, it’s possible, too, sometimes it’s just necessary. But you need to know what directed parenting is — one of its most difficult forms, and its results in unskilled hands (that is, with ordinary parents) are unpredictable. Perhaps those experts who argue that such upbringing is generally more harmful than useful are going too far, but it is true that relying on “I always told my child!”, All the more so “I scolded him for that!” — it is forbidden. We repeat: direct, directed education is a very difficult matter.

What to do? See ↑

However, in addition to direct directed education, there are other types of education. The simplest, which does not require any effort from us, is natural upbringing, spontaneous upbringing: upbringing by life. Everyone is involved in this process: the peers of our children, starting from kindergarten, and bright television advertising, and the addictive Internet … everything, everything that surrounds our children. If you are lucky and your child has a reasonable environment, decent people around him, your child will most likely grow up to be a decent person. Otherwise, a different result. And most importantly, in any case, you are not responsible for the result. You are not responsible for the result.

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More productive is education by life, but under your control. Such was the system of A.S. Makarenko, such is the system of traditional education in the Caucasus. In this type of upbringing, children are built into a real production system, where they really work and are really needed, and in the course of life and work, life and work itself builds and educates them.

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