General description of the disease
A tumor is a pathological process that manifests itself in the form of a tissue neoplasm, in which, due to the altered cellular apparatus, the regulation of cell growth and their differentiation is impaired. Differentiation of cells means changes in their size, function, metabolic activity and shape.
Types of tumors
By their nature, tumors are divided into 2 large types:
- 1 a benign tumor – consists of such cells that it is possible to recognize from what tissue it was formed, it is slow in growth, does not have metastases and does not affect the body in any way, it can be transformed into a malignant one;
- 2 malignant tumor – can change the composition of the tissue from the outgoing one, has a rapid growth (the most common is its infiltrating growth), recurrent metastases are observed, generally affect the human body.
Tumor growth
Depending on the type of growth, the tumor can grow:
- expansively – the tumor forms from the tissues of itself, while pushing back the nearby tissues (the tissues bordering the neoplasm die off and a pseudocapsule appears in this place);
- invasively (infiltrating) – with this growth, neoplasm cells grow into neighboring tissues, while destroying them;
- appositionally – the tissues surrounding the neoplasm are transformed into tumor-type tissues.
In relation to the hollow organ and its lumen, tumor growth is:
- exophytic – the tumor grows expansively into the lumen of the organ cavity, partially closes it and is connected to the wall of the hollow organ by a leg;
- endophytic – the neoplasm grows into the wall of the organ, has an infiltrating type of growth.
By the number of foci of the appearance of a neoplasm, growth is:
- uniqueness – the tumor has one focus of development;
- multicentric – the tumor grows from several foci.
The effect of tumors on the human body:
- 1 local – the tissue or organ surrounding the tumor is destroyed or compressed (it all depends on the type of growth and the place of formation);
- 2 general – metabolism is disturbed, often with the development of severe depletion of the body (cachexia).
The causes of tumors have not been reliably studied so far, therefore there are various theories of their origin.
The first is considered viral genetic, according to which the basis of tumor development is the presence of papillomavirus, herpes virus and hepatitis B and C, retrovirus. Thanks to the genome of the virus and genetics, cells are transformed into tumor cells. With the subsequent growth of the neoplasm, the virus does not play any significant role.
The next theory is physico-chemical, which believes that the cause of tumor growth is exposure to gamma, X-rays and the ingress of carcinogenic substances.
The third theory considers various hormonal disruptions in the body and is called the “theory of dyshormonal carcinogenesis.”
Following the fourth (dysontogenetic) theory, you can find out that the tumor is caused by various disturbances and failures in tissue embryogenesis.
The fifth theory combines all four theories described above and is called “theory of four-stage carcinogenesis».
Useful foods for tumors
To slow down the growth of a tumor, you must first of all adhere to a simple rule: the food on the plate should consist of 1/3 of protein foods and 2/3 of plant foods.
The main products to stop the growth of neoplasms and to increase the immune system are:
- all types of cabbage (they deactivate excess estrogens, which are one of the reasons for the appearance of a tumor, especially the mammary gland), it is better to eat it raw or steamed;
- soy and its by-products (miso, soy sauce, tempeh, tofu) – these products have an antitumor effect due to isoflavins and phytoestrogens contained in them, in addition, they reduce the degree of exposure to all radiation and chemotherapy;
- garlic and onions – remove toxins from the body, activate the work of white blood cells, which in turn kill cancer cells;
- algae (brown) – a powerful antioxidant and regulator of energy production (otherwise this process is called blood sugar metabolism);
- seeds with nuts – contain lignans and leartyl (they kill tumor cells and remove excess estrogen);
- Chinese and Japanese mushrooms (shiitake, rei-shi, maitake; they can also be consumed in dried form) – they contain strong immunostimulating substances: beta-glucans;
- Tomatoes – the lycopene they contain has powerful antioxidant properties;
- all citrus fruits and berries (strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, blueberries, pomegranates) – prevent genetic damage;
- turmeric – useful for tumors of the bladder and intestines (it relieves any inflammatory process well);
- tea (especially green) – contains cakhetins, which prevent the division of cancer cells.
Traditional medicine for tumors:
- with a tumor liver decoctions from Chernobyl, chicory, chaga and budra (ivy) will help;
- for the treatment of neoplasms in the nasopharynx, rinse the mouth with broths of mint (pre-boiled in apple cider vinegar), horseradish juice (it is highly concentrated, so it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10), infusion of sorrel, lovage and plantain;
- tumor breast will help to overcome compresses from forest violets, iris and celandine, drink decoctions from burnet, St. John’s wort, calendula flowers, viburnum juice with honey;
- from tumors that have arisen in genital area women, you can get rid of with the help of infusions and douching from decoctions with celandine, peony, tartar, hemlock, oregano;
- with a tumor rectum it is necessary to put enemas with such healing components as: oak bark, wormwood, valerian, Chernobyl, carrot juice;
- with neoplasms stomach chicory, wormwood, marsh whitewash, dried cress, chaga, plantain, celandine, carrot and beet juice will help;
- with neoplasms on the skin they should be treated with horseradish juice, garlic, celandine, make lotions from decoctions made from hop cones, elm, birch and tartar buds;
- if the cause of the occurrence is radiation sickness, then infusions of melilot, licorice, corn stigmas, chaga will help to alleviate the situation; juice from carrots and beets, cabbage, aloe, Kahors wine (30 grams per day) should be referred to as highly effective means.
Dangerous and harmful products with a tumor
- tobacco;
- alcoholic beverages;
- fatty meat and dairy products;
- sugar and salt in large quantities;
- margarine;
- any semi-finished products, canned food, sausages, sausages;
- smoked products;
- fast food, products with any food additives and dyes;
- artificial and animal fats.
These products provoke the growth of tumor cells and promote their division.
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