Tubular lilies: varieties, planting and care
In the early XNUMXth century, the first tube lilies were bred at the Ontario Agricultural College. This perennial hybrid is attractive for its large, beautiful flowers and bright sweetish aroma.
Description and varieties of tubular lilies
Lily flowers of this variety resemble gramophones. It is thanks to this shape of the buds that these hybrids got their name. The diameter of the flowers is from 11 cm to 25 cm. They are formed by dense glossy petals, the upper edge of which is bent outward. The color of the flowers is varied: from white and cream to yellow or bright pink. The first buds appear in June, and they bloom in July. The lily stem is covered with long thin leaves. Its length is from 0,12 to 0,19 m.
The flowers of tubular lilies are shaped like a gramophone
The most popular varieties of pipe lily are:
- African Queen. Stem height reaches 0,9 m. Buds are soft orange. Their diameter is from 0,15 m to 0,16 m. Flowers are collected in clusters of 3 or 5 pieces. This variety tolerates frost well. The buds bloom in late June or July.
- Garden Pleasure. The height of the plant is from 1 m to 1,5 m. The diameter of the flowers is from 20 cm to 25 cm. The petals are dense, multicolored. Their middle is painted in a raspberry pink shade, and the edges are white. The buds bloom in July-August.
- Olympic Torch. The stem of the flower grows to 0,12-0,14 m. The leaves are long, dark green in color. The flowers are large, pale pink, interspersed with a burgundy tone and a lingonberry center. Their diameter is from 20 to 25 cm. The buds bloom in July.
- White American. Compact plant. The height of its stem does not exceed 1 m, most often the peduncle grows to 80-90 cm. Leaves are of medium length, dark green tone. The buds are snow-white. Their diameter is 11 cm. It blooms in June-July.
There are many more varieties of these fragrant tubular flowers. They can become a garden decoration and delight the eye with variegated colors from the end of June until autumn.
Planting and caring for tubular lilies
Before planting, the bulbs of tubular varieties are treated with a manganese solution or special chemicals that protect the material from fungi and awaken the plant. The correct fit is as follows:
- A place. The plant is planted in well-lit areas protected from drafts and wind.
- The soil. The soil should be loose, fertile and well-drained. Lily bulbs are negatively affected by the high acidity of the soil. To normalize this indicator, ash, chalk or lime is added to the soil.
- Depth. The planting material is planted to a depth equal to 3 bulb diameters.
Lilies are planted in late August or early September. So the bulb has time to take root before the onset of the first frost. The plant will bloom only in a year. The first buds are recommended to be cut to allow the plant to grow stronger.
Caring for a tubular lily consists in timely watering, loosening the soil near the plant, removing weeds and feeding three times a day. The first time, fertilizers are applied during the period of active growth of the flower, the second time – at the time of the appearance of buds, and the third time – after the end of flowering. For the winter, it is better to cover the lilies with a layer of leaves or straw. So the plants will better tolerate frost.
Tubular hybrids are beautiful perennials. They look good in the garden and can be used in flower arrangements. But due to the strong smell, such bouquets are not recommended to be left indoors.