Tribulus Tribulus

Useful properties and use of tributary tincture

Description of Tribulus

Tribulus Tribulus

Anchors creeping is an annual plant with a thin taproot and a creeping branching stem. On the stem of the plant are paired leaves. Each leaf consists of 12-16 leaflets. In the axils of the leaves are yellow flowers, located singly on short pedicels. The flowering of the plant begins in mid-spring and can last until frost. The fruit is a nutlet consisting of 5 small stars. During the ripening period (mid-summer), star fruits fall to the ground.

Outside, the fruits are covered with thorns, have bristles and even bumps. It is thanks to these spikes that the plant spreads throughout the earth, clinging to the fur of animals, on people’s shoes, or even on car tires.

Most often, this plant is found in Siberia, the Caucasus, Altai, Ukraine and Central Asia. Tribulus can also be seen both in the European part of Russia and in Moldova. Tribulus prefer to grow on sand, in weedy places, in steppes and deserts.

In folk medicine stems, leaves, flowers and roots are used.

Tribulus cultivation

Tribulus is a plant that reproduces only by seed. In the spring, the seeds of the plant are sown in the soil chosen for growing tribulus. They prefer to grow in sandy, dry soils. Tribulus are heat-loving plants, so during the period of frost they die. This plant is light and drought tolerant. In the southern regions, it grows rapidly, becomes like a weed. Raw materials are collected for medicinal purposes during the flowering period of the plant and at the time of fruiting.

Useful properties of Tribulus

Tribulus grass contains alkaloids, steroid glycosides, tannins, resins, saponins and ascorbic acid. And in the seeds of the plant there are five types of alkaloids and fatty oils. Tribulus have diuretic, tonic and astringent properties. In addition, this plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and increases milk flow in nursing mothers. Tribulus is an excellent remedy for the prevention of sclerosis. They help stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. And also this amazing miracle plant improves intestinal motility.

Tribulus has antitumor and wound-healing properties. Grass improves sexual activity, removes stones from the kidneys and bladder. Tribulus is a good remedy for colds and gonorrhea. The beneficial substances of this plant reduce the level of lipids in the body and contribute to the normalization of the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Tribulus have a property due to the action of which excess cholesterol is excreted from the body and blood clotting decreases. This plant dilates blood vessels and improves coronary circulation.

The plant contains a large amount of vitamin C, alkaloids, saponins, flavones, plant sterols. The composition of tribulus found bio-alkali, unsaturated fatty acids, biologically active proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron. Tribulus remedies have a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Studies have shown that the seeds contain a hormone and a drying fatty oil. The roots are composed of beta-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. Rapid treatment is provided due to the diuretic, astringent and tonic properties with the systematic use of the plant as part of various fees.

The use of tribulus

Tribulus Tribulus

Tribulus infusions and decoctions are used as a laxative for constipation. In addition, decoction and infusion help in the treatment of conjunctivitis or getting rid of headaches. Folk healers have noticed many times that tribulus heals wounds. Dry fruits of the plant are used in the treatment of gonorrhea and even syphilis (for these purposes, dry fruits must be crushed into powder and smoked instead of tobacco).

A decoction in milk is prepared from tribulus, which is used if you wish to get rid of fatigue and weakness in the treatment of chronic malaria. Tribulus juice helps with fungal diseases and viral diseases on the skin. Based on this plant, they make a powerful drug for the treatment of a huge variety of diseases.

Tribulus is used to prevent coronary disease, vascular atherosclerosis, hypertension. Tribulus is recommended for men and women over the age of 30. This is easily explained: the substance contained in tribulus produces hormones in the body and normalizes the balance of testosterone and estrogen synthesis with progesterone. Tribulus helps men cure infertility. In addition, this plant normalizes the functioning of the kidneys.

A decoction of anchors. Take 1 tablespoon of Tribulus (herbs) and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Now put everything in a water bath for half an hour. After removing from heat, filter the broth and take 70 ml three times a day before meals.

The history of centuries shows that Tribulus was known in ancient times, the grass was used for ulcers and tumors. Today, in the practice of traditional healers and physicians, there are positive results from the use of herbs as a diuretic and for removing stones from the bladder and kidneys. The use of decoctions and infusions helps to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, increase lactation in nursing mothers, and normalize intestinal motility. Thanks to flavones, the likelihood of platelet formation is reduced, blood is thinned.

Efficiency is observed in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Entering the body, bio-alkalis have a positive effect, preventing blood oxidation, leveling the acid-base balance. Strengthening memory, improving mental activity, increasing brain activity is possible as a result of the action of unsaturated fatty acids. Plant sterols reduce the amount of cholesterol, and biologically active substances give an anti-sclerotic effect.

Tribulus is used by men and women for infertility. The plant has a tonic effect, increasing male potency. The herb is shown for hypertension, as it has diuretic properties. It is used to treat gonorrhea and any cold. The plant is very useful as a laxative, it relieves intestinal spasms, eliminates headaches. Outwardly, the herb is used as an eyewash for conjunctivitis, for washing wounds.

The use of infusion with milk gives strength, eliminating weakness and fatigue, will help to completely remove menopausal symptoms, increase testosterone levels. The herb is applicable for many dermatoses. Juice treats viral, cystic, allergic and fungal skin diseases. An eight-week course of taking such funds is recommended.

Decoction of tributaries: 1 tablespoon of herbs is poured into 1 cup of hot water, boiled in a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered hot through cheesecloth and brought to the original amount. Take 1/2-1/4 cup of decoction 3-4 times a day before meals.

Tribulus extract

The extract counteracts the aging process. As a general tonic, it increases a person’s resistance to physical and mental stress, strengthens the body during the period of severe illness, increases bile secretion, normalizes the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates sexual activity and normalizes cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Tincture of anchors

The tincture is recommended for cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, and various inflammations of the bladder as an anti-inflammatory agent. Such a medicine has a positive effect on the lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, relieves insomnia, relieves nervous tension, tinnitus. Nature has given a wonderful plant, and man has learned to use it for his own good, wonderful recipes for making tinctures are known.

Recipe № 1: 100 grams of tribulus must be insisted for 20 days on 1 liter of alcohol or vodka. Drink the remedy 20 drops in the morning.

Recipe № 2: 100 grams of dry crushed raw materials should be poured with one liter of dry red wine and insist for a week, then bring to a boil, cook in a sealed container over low heat for 10-15 minutes, cool, strain. It is recommended to take tincture 50 grams three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The tool helps to remove stones from the bladder, has a diuretic effect, eliminates colic in the intestines and pain in sciatica.

Creeping Anchor Recipes

Those who collect herbs and use them for the treatment of diseases need to know that the poisonous properties of Tribulus terrestris are especially increased after rains. For pharmacological use, plants are grown in special fields, propagated by seeds. Collected during flowering and fruiting (June-September), the ground part of the plant is dried on paper or on cloth under the sun in the fresh air. The simplest, but no less useful remedy for the human body is herbal tea.

To prepare it, you need to take half a tablespoon of chopped raw materials and pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 4 hours, strain. It is necessary to take the remedy 2 times a day for half a glass. Tribulus-based products are useful for athletes who are subjected to great physical exertion. the intake of such healing remedies gives strength, doubles the degree of endurance.

Contraindications to the use of tribulus

The plant can not be used as a remedy for low blood pressure. the reception should be carried out only after consulting a doctor, since the tribulus contains toxic substances. Contraindication to reception is individual intolerance.

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