The tree has a lot to learn: its strength, stamina, calmness, the correct exchange of energy between heaven and earth. And it’s better to study right now, why put it off indefinitely? So, all about the benefits, contraindications and techniques for performing the tree pose in yoga.
On the island of Bali, in Indonesia, trees are greatly revered! The locals believe that… they are inhabited by spirits that protect the tranquility of the island. And the stronger and higher the tree itself, the more beautiful the spirit that lives in its crown.
And if you read the ancient yogic scriptures, then more than once you will come across such a classic story. It describes how some ascetic goes far into the mountains, stands in a tree position and does not change it for years. Yes, there for years! For thousands of years (but then people were different). Bypassing hunger, fatigue, pain, looking at the sun and the wind in the face, he stands on one leg, waiting for a miracle. And it happens: God himself descends to a person and fulfills all his desires.
If we turn to our time, even now the tree pose – Vrikshasana (this is its Sanskrit name) – is very revered by yogis. It has a beneficial effect on the human body, gives longevity, stamina, calmness and wisdom. But this is not all the useful properties of the asana.
The benefits of exercise
1. Gives balance and balance
In yoga, there are several types of asanas: some develop flexibility, others strengthen muscles, others are designed for meditation, others are for relaxation … And the tree pose is a magical asana for balance. She is great at developing coordination! It also teaches concentration of attention: no matter who and how distracts you from the process, until you immerse yourself in yourself, in your feelings, the pose of a tree will not be given to you.
It is considered a basic asana and is recommended for beginners. Like no other, it shows the beginner what yoga is so strong for: in one exercise, you can immediately tighten the muscles and relax (below you will see this magical principle in the execution technique: to make a pose, you need to rest one foot on the thigh of the other leg and relax it so that the leg literally hangs). In addition to balance, the tree pose also teaches you to achieve balance, both external and internal.
2. Improves the nervous system
If we are stable and strong in body (see point 1), this ability is transferred to our spirit. With practice, the tree pose gives a person a calm mind, lightness, flexibility and firmness at the same time. Makes him more patient. And, of course, it gives a feeling of strength and self-confidence.
3. Returns health
I know a girl who stands in a tree pose even when she is washing the dishes (you need to adopt this practice urgently!). And he does it right! Indeed, with the constant performance of the asana, the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs and arms are strengthened (but already in the time free from washing dishes), the ligaments of the legs are strengthened. The back straightens, posture improves. It also relaxes the muscles of the legs and feet, which increases blood circulation in the lower legs. For those who dream of sitting in the lotus position, Vrikshasana will only help, as it helps to open the hips!
And last but not least: the tree pose improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and gallbladder. All this together increases the efficiency of metabolism in the body. And we just stood in the pose of the Tree!
Exercise harm
About the special harm that this asana can bring is not known. But, of course, there are contraindications. With caution and under the supervision of an instructor, the tree pose should be performed by those who have leg injuries and painful sensations in the joints.
How to Do Tree Pose
So, you have already learned about the benefits of this exercise. But the therapeutic effect of the tree pose only gives if you perform it correctly. And do it for quite a long time!
Photo: social networks
Step by step execution technique
ATTENTION! For beginners, we advise at first to perform the tree pose against the wall.
Step 1
We stand up straight, connect the feet so that the outer sides are parallel. We distribute the weight of the body over the entire surface of the feet. Tighten your knees, pull up your kneecaps. We retract the stomach, pull up the spine along with the head and neck. The chin is slightly lowered.
Step 2
We bend the right leg at the knee and press the foot to the inner surface of the left thigh. We try to place the heel near the perineum, pointing the fingers straight down. We take the knee to the side.
Step 3
As soon as you realize that you are standing steadily in this position, continue on. We stretch our hands up. The chest is open! And we stretch up with the whole body, while continuing to “root” the foot in the ground.
ATTENTION! Hands can be joined in the palms above the head (elbows slightly apart). But you can leave them at chest level. It all depends on the purpose of the exercise.
! The tree pose with arms folded in front opens the chest well. The shoulders are turned, the entire upper part is released, which allows for deeper breathing.
! The tree pose with arms raised above the head works with shoulder clamps, removes the stiffness of the shoulder joints.
Step 4
We breathe evenly, do not strain. And hold the pose for as long as possible.
ATTENTION! Advice for newbies. Start with a few seconds (although you are unlikely to succeed longer at first), over time, increase the duration of the asana.
Step 5
Carefully come out of the pose. We change the position of the legs.
ATTENTION! You need to do it on both legs: first one supporting, then the other. And be sure to keep the same time so that there is no imbalance. Usually 1-2 minutes.
Tips for beginners: how to take a stable position
1. Press your foot harder on your thigh, even push it! Relax in this position.
2. If you feel that the leg slips on the clothes, it is better to choose shorts for this practice. You will see that the foot on the skin is easily held.
3. Concentration on the supporting leg will also help maintain balance. Your foot seems to be pushing the floor, standing straight, thigh muscles tense.
How to understand that you are doing everything right:
- Your lower back doesn’t sag forward.
- You do not take the pelvis to the side.
- The weight of the body is distributed on the entire foot of the supporting leg, and the fingers are not compressed into a fist!
- The hip joint is open, the bent knee is directed to the side and down – so that your hips are located in the same plane.
Photo: social networks
Are you doing well? Congratulations! Keep practicing tree pose if you dream of wisdom and longevity.