Total Body Sculpt with Cindy Whitmarsh: program for all problem areas

Want to have a flat stomach, toned arms, a firm butt and slender legs? Total Body Sculpt Cindy Whitmarsh will help you to focus on all problem areas and improve your body.

Program description Cindy Whitmarsh

Cindy Whitmarsh has created a program through which you will improve the terrain of the body and lose weight. Total Body Sculpt is a great way to work on the muscles of the arms, abdomen, thighs and buttocks, as well as to accelerate weight-loss through aerobics. Cindy picked up the most effective exercises for your body, they will be available to absolutely everyone. Regular classes this set will make your figure perfect.

Workout with Cindy Whitmarsh lasts 50 minutes and it is divided into 5 segments:

  • for the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest;
  • for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs;
  • for the abdominal muscles;
  • cardio workout;
  • stretching the whole body.

Each segment lasts for 10 minutes. Working on the muscles of problem areas, you strengthen and bring them in tone. Cardio exercise helps burn fat and accelerate metabolism. Final stretching to soothe muscles and restore breathing.

For classes you will need a Mat and one pair of dumbbells. You can complete the entire program, and can only a few minutes. But even if you only do exercise for thighs or just workout for the abs, always do it after the cardio segment. Thus, you will strengthen the muscles and get rid of excess weight.

Cindy has several similar programs, where you in 10 minutes hard work on a particular muscle group. For variety, you can alternate a few programs coach each other, for example:

  • “Beauty for 10 minutes”: the best set for beginners
  • Workout for 10 minutes. Sexy & Strong Calorie Burn

The pros and cons of the complex Total Body Sculpt


1. Cindy Whitmarsh will help you to work on all the problem areas of your body, making them slim and toned.

2. The program is conveniently divided into 10-minute segments, each focused on a separate group of muscles.

3. Suitable for both beginners and people with average training.

4. All exercises that uses Cindy, simple and affordable.

5. For classes only need dumbbells and a Mat.

6. You can run the program as a whole, but can split it to ten and execute the most suitable segments.


1. In the program there is virtually no warm-up, so be sure to borrow a good workout from another program.

2. The exercise is too easy for those who have already some time is engaged in home videothreesome, for example, Jillian Michaels or Janet Jenkins.

Program Total Body Sculpt will help you to work on your body and correct problem areas. If you have recently engaged in fitness, this apartment is a good option for home workouts. See also: overview of all the popular workouts Cindy Whitmarsh.

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