Want to lose weight in the hips, tighten the buttocks and to get rid of cellulite, it does not plan to attend a gym or group training? We offer you a super selection of effective exercises for legs at home, which will help you to burn fat and forget about the problem areas.
For training you need minimal equipment and a little free time, with most exercises suitable for any level of training. Presented exercises will help you strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The article also offered a rough plan of exercises that can be adapted to their capabilities.
Rules of performance of exercises for the legs
- If you want to lose weight in the legs, then a set of exercises at home should include: cardio exercises for burning fat, exercise with dumbbells to tone the body exercises without weights for long slender muscles. If you want to increase muscle, it is sufficient to only perform strength exercises with dumbbells with heavy weights.
- Do the set of exercises for legs 2 times a week for 30-60 minutes. For weight loss in legs be sure to combine cardio exercises and exercises for muscle tone. If you do not have excess weight and you just need to tighten thighs and buttocks, then cardio is not necessary.
- You will be able to lose weight in the legs if they meet the caloric deficit, when the body receives less food than it can spend on energy. Therefore, without diet can not do, if you want to achieve the desired results. Also slimming to see an article about nutrition.
- If you have a problem with the joints and varicose veins, avoid jumps, lunges and squats. If any exercises cause you discomfort, it is best to exclude them from training.
- If you don’t have dumbbells, you can train without them or use dumbbells instead of plastic bottles filled with water or sand. But for a comfortable workout, of course, better to buy a dumbbell.
- The most effective additional tools for the muscles of the legs and buttocks is a fitness elastic band. To complicate exercises can also use ankle weights or an elastic band.
- During the execution of squats and lunges, keep the knees out over the socks, his spine was straight, the lower back does not bend and not arched.
- Before performing leg exercises will perform a short 5-minute workout and after a workout – stretching for the muscles.
- Remember that the body loses weight as a whole, not in individual problem areas. But you can give additional impetus to the body to burning fat in the desired area, if you do interval cardio exercise and then perform a number of exercises for the target area.
- To complicate the exercises for the legs, use the pulsating principle of the exercises. It is relevant for lunges, squats, and various swings and leg raises:
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Dumbbell exercises
The weight of dumbbells depends largely on the result of your workouts. If you want to lose weight, it is possible to train without dumbbells, but for growth and muscle tone dumbbells is absolutely necessary. The muscles of the legs and buttocks require a lot of weight weights. For starters, you can buy a collapsible dumbbell 10 kg and vary the load.
- If you want to reduce the amount of legs, burn fat and tone muscles in a light tone, then combine in their training cardio exercises and strength exercises with light weight (3-8 kg).
- If you want to not just pull up and pump up and increase muscle, you only perform strength exercises with dumbbells, and with more weight (10+ kg).
- If you are the opposite, want to lose weight and you have this type of shape that any exercise of the muscles come in tone and increase in size, do focus on cardio exercises and toning exercises without weights.
How to choose DUMBBELLS: tips and prices
Cardio exercise for weight loss legs
Cardio-exercises for legs will help you burn more calories, increase blood circulation in problem areas and to get rid of thigh fat. Take cardio exercises in about 15-20 minutes total of 45 minutes. Represented cardio-exercises for legs at home are arranged by increasing level of difficulty.
For gifs to article thanks youtube channels: mfit, nourishmovelove, Live Fit Girl, Jessica Valant Pilates, Linda Wooldridge, FitnessType, Puzzle Fit LLC, Christina Carlyle.
1. Kick forward and back
2. Lateral jumps
3. Lateral plyometric lunge
4. Jump into a wide squat
5. Jumping in the strap by raising the legs
6. Squats with jumping
7. Sumo squats with jumping
8. Jumping 180 degrees
9. Jumping lunges
10. Jump star
See also:
- Jumps breeding arms and legs: review exercises + 10 options
- Squat jumping with: features and technique
Exercises for legs with dumbbells
Leg exercises with dumbbells will help you tone your muscles, tighten glutes, and get rid of sagging in the lower part of the body. For exercises you will need dumbbells, weight pick to suit your features. Dumbbells can be replaced with water bottles.
Beginners can use dumbbells 2-3 kg, more experienced dealing with 5+ kg. Each exercise for legs, perform 15-20 repetitions (for a light muscle tone) or 10-15 repetitions on each leg with heavy weights (for muscle growth 10+ kg).
1. Squat with dumbbells
2. Squat with climbing socks
3. Deadlifts
4. Lunge in place
5. Lateral lunge
6. Lunges ago
7. Attack back in a low squat
8. Lunges forward
9. Sumo squat with a dumbbell
10. Bulgarian lunge with a dumbbell
10. Leg lifts with a dumbbell
Leg exercises standing
These leg exercises at home will help you to lengthen muscles and work on problem areas of the lower body. For classes you do not need additional equipment, a high chair or other available furniture.
If you want to complicate these exercises for the legs, you can use dumbbells or ankle weights. Perform each exercise for 15-20 reps, can practice also pulsing embodiment.
The attacks: why we need a + 20 options
1. Diagonal lunges
2. Bulgarian lunge
3. Lunges in a circle
4. Deadlifts on one leg
5. Leg lift to the side
6. Leg lift forward
7. Abduction legs back
8. Lifting on the chair + leg abduction to the side
9. Squats on toes (feet together)
10. Squat with raised leg
11. Getting up from a chair
12. Pulsing plie-squats on toes
13. Alternate lifting on socks
14. Garland
15. Walking lunges forward
Exercises for the legs on the floor
Leg exercises on the floor are not only very effective for getting rid of problem areas, but also safe for those who have problems with joints and varicose veins. Such exercises are more gentle and suitable even for beginners.
Repeat 15-25 times exercises may use weights for legs and pulsing exercises to increase the load.
1. Leg lift to the side on my knees
2. Leg lift in side plank
3. Leg lift lying on your side
4. Bringing the hip lying on its side
5. Lift legs to the inner thighs
6. Lift legs parallel to the floor
7. Shell
8. Abduction feet to the side lying on back
9. Side leg lift on all fours
10. Raising the legs in the bridge
11. Raising the legs while lying on stomach
12. Leg lifts in bridge
10. Max foot
11. Leg lift on all fours
12. Circular motion on the back
13. Scissors
If you are particularly concerned about the area of breeches or inner thighs, then look at these articles:
- Top 30 exercises for inner thighs
- Top 30 exercises for outer thigh
A plan leg exercises for beginners and advanced
We offer you several ready-made sets of exercises for legs at home that you can use for training or to adapt their capabilities. Training involves 4 rounds: cardio exercises, exercises for legs with dumbbells, leg exercises without weights, leg exercises on the floor.
Between circles and rounds 30-60 seconds of rest. The rest between exercises is not assumed (only in cardio round), but you can make request stops for 10-15 seconds.
Exercise plan for beginners: option 1
- Round 1 (3 laps): Jump into a wide squat, Jump into plank with raising the legs, Kick forward, back, lateral Plyometric lunge (each exercise performed for 30 seconds between exercises and 30 seconds rest).
- Round 2 (2 rounds): Squats with dumbbells, forward Lunges, deadlift, Side lunge (each exercise performed 10-15 repetitions).
- Round 3 (2 rounds): Squats on toes (feet together), Bulgarian lunge, leg Lift to the side, Pulsing plie-squats on toes (each exercise being performed for 10-20 reps).
- Round 4 (1 leg): the leg Lift to the side on his knees, bringing the thighs side-lying Shell, the leg Lifts in bridge, Circular motion on the back (each exercise performed 10-15 repetitions).
Exercise plan for beginners: option 2
- Round 1 (3 laps): Lateral jumps, Squat jumping with Jumping in the strap by raising the legs, Plyometric lateral lunge (each exercise performed for 30 seconds between exercises and 30 seconds rest).
- Round 2 (round 2): Sumo squat with a dumbbell, Lunge in place, do leg Lifts with a dumbbell back Lunges (each exercise performed 10-15 repetitions).
- Round 3 (round 2): deadlifts on one leg, rising from a chair, Lifting the legs forward, Alternately lifting on socks (each exercise being performed for 10-20 reps).
- Round 4 (1 leg): the leg Lift side-lying Side leg raise on hands and knees, raising the legs to the bridge, swing leg Scissors (each exercise performed 10-15 repetitions).
Exercise plan for advanced: option 1
- Round 1 (3 laps): Jumping 180 degrees, Lateral jumps, Squat jumping with Jumping lunges (each exercise is performed for 40 seconds between exercises and 20 seconds rest)
- Round 2 (2 laps): Squat with the donkey raises, forward Lunges, deadlift, Lunge back in a low squat (each exercise performed for 15-20 repetitions).
- Round 3 (round 2): Diagonal lunges, Abduction legs back, Walking forward lunges, Squats with leg raised (each exercise performed 15-25 reps).
- Round 4 (1 leg): leg Lift for inner thigh, Abduction feet to the side lying on back, raising the legs while lying on the belly leg Lift on all fours, Circular motion on the back (each exercise performed 20-25 reps).
Exercise plan for advanced: option 2
- Round 1 (3 laps): Sumo-squat with a jumping Kick forward, back, Jump into a wide squat, Jump star (each exercise is performed for 40 seconds between exercises and 20 seconds rest).
- Round 2 (2 rounds): Squats with free weights, back Lunges, Sumo-squats with a dumbbell, leg Lifts with a dumbbell (each exercise performed for 15-20 repetitions).
- Round 3 (round 2): Attacks in a circle, Garland, Climb on a chair + the splaying legs to the side, Pulsing plie-squats on toes (each exercise performed 15-25 reps).
- Round 4 (1 leg): leg Lift in side plank, leg Lift parallel to the floor, swing leg, Scissors, raising the legs while lying on the belly (each exercise performed 20-25 reps).
5 videos with exercises for legs at home
If you love to have at the ready video workouts, we offer you some of the popular exercises for the feet of the most popular coaches.
See also:
- Top 15 strength training with dumbbells for the legs and buttocks from FitnessBlender
- The top 18 video from Nicole Steen: for thighs and buttocks and for weight loss
- The top 20 videos for thighs and buttocks without lunges, squats and jumps
1. A set of exercises for leg slimming
2. Exercise for legs without equipment
3. Strength training for legs with dumbbells
4. ‘s low impact exercise for slim legs
5. Interval training for legs
Also be sure to see our selection video:
- Top 10 short exercises for slim legs from Blogilates
- 18’s low impact exercises for thighs and buttocks from FitnessBlender
- The top 14’s low impact exercises for thighs and buttocks without jumping from GymRa
For weight loss, To tone and increase muscles, Legs and buttocks