If you think that separate meals are based on a simple “don’t eat all together”, then this is a big mistake. Some foods can be eaten on the same plate, and separate meals have certain principles. Thanks to them, you will be able to lose weight and help your body to cope with digestion easier, assimilation of useful nutrients.
- Protein and carbohydrates at different times
Separate carbohydrate and protein intake. That is, you do not need to eat porridge with meat, bread and cheese, potatoes with an omelet and so on at one time. Usually the other way around – isn’t it?
- Acids and starch separately
Starchy carbohydrate foods such as potatoes, legumes, bread, bananas should not be eaten simultaneously with citrus fruits and other sour fruits. For example, fruit salad is contrary to the concept of separate meals.
- Separate proteins and acids
Also, do not eat acidic foods, including tomatoes, meat, cheese, fish, eggs and other protein foods.
- One protein per meal
Do not overdo it with a protein mix, one protein product per meal is enough. Different conditions are needed for the assimilation of each protein product, so most likely some of the mixed protein products will not be digested properly.
- Proteins and fats are not together
If your plate contains meat, eggs, nuts, for example, then you will eat butter or vegetable oil later. It turns out that a butter and cheese sandwich is not the best snack option.
- Divide starchy and sugary foods
Jelly or jam, honey or sugar are not the best filling for a cake and roll. Also, do not eat porridge or bread with sugary foods.
- Incompatible products
There are three foods in a separate meal that don’t go well with anything else. These are milk, watermelon and melon.
- Don’t drink while eating
Water removes digestive juice from the stomach and the assimilation of nutrients from foods that have already been there in advance is difficult. You can drink 15 minutes before meals and at least half an hour after.
- Chew thoroughly
Large pieces of food require more thorough and prolonged digestion, while chopped food is quickly enveloped in gastric juices and absorbed without causing discomfort.
- Eating as often as possible
Since many foods cannot be combined with each other, you can eat foods alternating with each other every 2-3 hours. Fractional meals also help improve digestion and reduce the risk of pain.