And sometimes I want to find out the name of the magic pill, from which the excess weight would melt before my eyes. Alas, science has not yet come up with such a miraculous remedy, but here are some products from your menu will quite help in the fight against excess weight.
This berry and its seeds are a source of carotenoids. Which have the same effect as antioxidants – protecting the body from harmful radicals. The use of pumpkin slows down the aging of cells and has a positive effect on the appearance. At the same time, pumpkin has an excellent effect on the metabolic processes and contributes to better digestion, which means that the body is cleansed. It is rich in fiber and low in calories.
Persimmon is among the top three healthy fruits. It is excellent for cleansing the body and fasting days in winter, when the diet of losing weight is quite poor. Persimmon also acts as a sedative and gives freshness to your skin.
Nutritionists believe that with proper nutrition, grapefruit in the diet of a losing weight can help to lose up to an additional kilogram per week. This citrus fruit reduces the level of insulin, which affects the appetite – you don’t want to eat something all the time, and you can think carefully about the menu with a clear head. Grapefruit also contains narginin, which accelerates the metabolism.
This fruit contains few carbohydrates and a lot of calories, and the feeling of satiety from it for a long time. It contains a lot of useful and easily digestible fats and nutrients. In addition, avocado is very neutral in taste and it can be added to almost any dish, thereby saving daily calories.
Turnips are equal to potatoes in terms of nutrients, calories and satiety, but there is an order of magnitude less starch and carbohydrates in turnips, which makes it a more dietary product. Another fat – burning plus of turnips is the high content of sulfur in it, which increases the tone and gives more energy for burning calories.
They have much more protein and amino acids than meat, and the caloric content is much lower. Protein helps to burn fats and uses much more of the body’s resources for its digestion, which means that the body loses much more calories.
In this vegetable there is a substance betaine, which oxidizes fat cells, thinning them and gradually killing them. In parallel, the process of activating the metabolism takes place and the metabolism accelerates.
If you eat canned tuna in its own juice, and not in oil or fatty marinade, with vegetables and fruits instead of a snack – you can achieve a stable weight loss within a few days. The tuna itself has very little fat and a lot of protein.
Cocoa, according to the observation of nutritionists, saturates very quickly and for a long time, so it should not be excluded from your diet. Of course, it is better to avoid cocoa as a component of high-calorie desserts. As a bonus, cocoa improves mood and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
Vinegar actually helps to tame the appetite and quickly satiate. This seasoning has a glycemic effect, which means that after using vinegar, the blood sugar level drops or remains at the same normal level, and therefore there are no outbreaks of uncontrolled hunger.